Source code for defdap.ebsd

# Copyright 2021 Mechanics of Microstructures Group
#    at The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
from skimage import morphology as mph
import networkx as nx

import copy
from warnings import warn

from defdap.file_readers import EBSDDataLoader
from defdap.file_writers import EBSDDataWriter
from defdap.quat import Quat
from defdap.crystal import SlipSystem
from defdap import base

from defdap import defaults
from defdap.plotting import MapPlot
from defdap.utils import reportProgress

[docs]class Map(base.Map): """ Class to encapsulate an EBSD map and useful analysis and plotting methods. Attributes ---------- xDim : int Size of map in x direction. yDim : int Size of map in y direction. stepSize : float Step size in micron. eulerAngleArray : numpy.ndarray Euler angles for eaxh point of the map. Shape (3, yDim, xDim). bandContrastArray : numpy.ndarray Band contrast for each point of map. Shape (yDim, xDim). quatArray : numpy.ndarray of defdap.quat.Quat Quaterions for each point of map. Shape (yDim, xDim). phaseArray : numpy.ndarray Map of phase ids. 1-based, 0 is non-indexed points phases : list of defdap.crystal.Phase List of phases. boundaries : numpy.ndarray Map of boundaries. -1 for a boundary, 0 otherwise. phaseBoundaries : numpy.ndarray Map of phase boundaries. -1 for boundary, 0 otherwise. grains : numpy.ndarray Map of grains. Grain numbers start at 1 here but everywhere else grainID starts at 0. Regions that are smaller than the minimum grain size are given value -2. Remnant boundary points are -1. misOri : numpy.ndarray Map of misorientation. misOriAxis : list of numpy.ndarray Map of misorientation axis components. kam : numpy.ndarray Map of KAM. origin : tuple(int) Map origin (x, y). Used by linker class where origin is a homologue point of the maps. GND : numpy.ndarray GND scalar map. Nye : numpy.ndarray 3x3 Nye tensor at each point. """ def __init__(self, fileName, dataType=None): """ Initialise class and load EBSD data. Parameters ---------- fileName : str Path to EBSD file, including name, excluding extension. dataType : str, {'OxfordBinary', 'OxfordText'} Format of EBSD data file. """ # Call base class constructor super(Map, self).__init__() self.xDim = None self.yDim = None self.stepSize = None self.eulerAngleArray = None self.bandContrastArray = None self.quatArray = None self.phaseArray = None self.phases = [] self.boundaries = None self.boundariesX = None self.boundariesY = None self.boundaryLines = None self.phaseBoundariesX = None self.phaseBoundariesY = None self.phaseBoundaryLines = None self.phaseBoundaries = None self.grains = None self.misOri = None self.misOriAxis = None self.kam = None self.origin = (0, 0) self.GND = None self.Nye = None # Phase used for the maps crystal structure and cOverA. So old # functions still work for the 'main' phase in the map. 0-based self.primaryPhaseID = 0 # Use euler map for defining homologous points self.plotHomog = self.plotEulerMap self.plotDefault = self.plotEulerMap self.highlightAlpha = 1 self.loadData(fileName, dataType=dataType)
[docs] @reportProgress("loading EBSD data") def loadData(self, fileName, dataType=None): """Load in EBSD data from file. Parameters ---------- fileName : str Path to EBSD file, including name, excluding extension. dataType : str, {'OxfordBinary', 'OxfordText'} Format of EBSD data file. """ dataLoader = EBSDDataLoader.getLoader(dataType) dataLoader.load(fileName) metadataDict = dataLoader.loadedMetadata self.xDim = metadataDict['xDim'] self.yDim = metadataDict['yDim'] self.stepSize = metadataDict['stepSize'] self.phases = metadataDict['phases'] dataDict = dataLoader.loadedData self.eulerAngleArray = dataDict['eulerAngle'] self.bandContrastArray = dataDict['bandContrast'] self.bandSlopeArray = dataDict['bandSlope'] self.meanAngularDeviationArray = dataDict['meanAngularDeviation'] self.phaseArray = dataDict['phase'] if int(metadataDict['EDX Windows']['Count']) > 0: self.EDX = dataDict['EDXDict'] # write final status yield "Loaded EBSD data (dimensions: {:} x {:} pixels, step " \ "size: {:} um)".format(self.xDim, self.yDim, self.stepSize)
[docs] def save(self, file_name, data_type=None, file_dir=""): """Save EBSD map to file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of file to save to, it must not already exist. data_type : str, {'OxfordText'} Format of EBSD data file to save. file_dir : str Directory to save the file to. """ data_writer = EBSDDataWriter.get_writer(data_type) data_writer.metadata['shape'] = self.shape data_writer.metadata['step_size'] = self.stepSize data_writer.metadata['phases'] = self.phases['phase'] = self.phaseArray['quat'] = self.quatArray['band_contrast'] = self.bandContrastArray data_writer.write(file_name, file_dir=file_dir)
@property def crystalSym(self): """Crystal symmetry of the primary phase. Returns ------- str Crystal symmetry """ return @property def cOverA(self): """C over A ratio of the primary phase Returns ------- float or None C over A ratio if hexagonal crystal structure otherwise None """ return self.primaryPhase.cOverA @property def numPhases(self): return len(self.phases) or None @property def primaryPhase(self): """Primary phase of the EBSD map. Returns ------- defdap.crystal.Phase Primary phase """ return self.phases[self.primaryPhaseID] @property def scale(self): return self.stepSize
[docs] @reportProgress("rotating EBSD data") def rotateData(self): """Rotate map by 180 degrees and transform quats accordingly. """ self.eulerAngleArray = self.eulerAngleArray[:, ::-1, ::-1] self.bandContrastArray = self.bandContrastArray[::-1, ::-1] self.phaseArray = self.phaseArray[::-1, ::-1] self.buildQuatArray(force=True) # Force rebuild quat array # Rotation from old coord system to new transformQuat = Quat.fromAxisAngle(np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.pi).conjugate # Perform vectorised multiplication quats = Quat.multiplyManyQuats(self.quatArray.flatten(), transformQuat) self.quatArray = np.array(quats).reshape(self.yDim, self.xDim) yield 1.
[docs] def plotBandContrastMap(self, **kwargs): """Plot band contrast map kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ self.checkDataLoaded() # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'cmap': 'gray', 'clabel': "Band contrast" } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, self.bandContrastArray, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def plotEulerMap(self, phases=None, **kwargs): """Plot an orientation map in Euler colouring Parameters ---------- phases : list of int Which phases to plot for kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ self.checkDataLoaded() # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} plot_params.update(kwargs) if phases is None: phases = self.phases phase_ids = range(len(phases)) else: phase_ids = phases phases = [self.phases[i] for i in phase_ids] map_colours = np.zeros(self.shape + (3,)) for phase, phase_id in zip(phases, phase_ids): if == 'cubic': norm = np.array([2 * np.pi, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]) elif == 'hexagonal': norm = np.array([np.pi, np.pi, np.pi / 3]) else: ValueError("Only hexagonal and cubic symGroup supported") # Apply normalisation for each phase phase_mask = self.phaseArray == phase_id + 1 map_colours[phase_mask] = self.eulerAngleArray[:, phase_mask].T / norm return MapPlot.create(self, map_colours, **plot_params)
[docs] def plotIPFMap(self, direction, backgroundColour=None, phases=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a map with points coloured in IPF colouring, with respect to a given sample direction. Parameters ---------- direction : np.array len 3 Sample directiom. backgroundColour : np.array len 3 Colour of background (i.e. for phases not plotted). phases : list of int Which phases to plot IPF data for. kwargs Other arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} plot_params.update(kwargs) if phases is None: phases = self.phases phase_ids = range(len(phases)) else: phase_ids = phases phases = [self.phases[i] for i in phase_ids] if backgroundColour is None: backgroundColour = [0., 0., 0.] map_colours = np.tile(np.array(backgroundColour), self.shape + (1,)) for phase, phase_id in zip(phases, phase_ids): # calculate IPF colours for phase phase_mask = self.phaseArray == phase_id + 1 map_colours[phase_mask] = Quat.calcIPFcolours( self.quatArray[phase_mask], direction, ).T return MapPlot.create(self, map_colours, **plot_params)
[docs] def plotPhaseMap(self, **kwargs): """Plot a phase map. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': self.numPhases } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, self.phaseArray, **plotParams) # add a legend to the plot phaseIDs = list(range(0, self.numPhases + 1)) phaseNames = ["Non-indexed"] + [ for phase in self.phases] plot.addLegend(phaseIDs, phaseNames, loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) return plot
[docs] def calcKam(self): """ Calculates Kernel Average Misorientaion (KAM) for the EBSD map, based on a 3x3 kernel. Crystal symmetric equivalences are not considered. Stores result in self.kam. """ quatComps = np.empty((4, self.yDim, self.xDim)) for i, row in enumerate(self.quatArray): for j, quat in enumerate(row): quatComps[:, i, j] = quat.quatCoef self.kam = np.empty((self.yDim, self.xDim)) # Start with rows. Calculate misorientation with neighbouring rows. # First and last row only in one direction self.kam[0, :] = abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, 0, :], quatComps[:, 1, :])) self.kam[-1, :] = abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, -1, :], quatComps[:, -2, :])) for i in range(1, self.yDim - 1): self.kam[i, :] = (abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, i, :], quatComps[:, i + 1, :])) + abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, i, :], quatComps[:, i - 1, :]))) / 2 self.kam[self.kam > 1] = 1 # Do the same for columns self.kam[:, 0] += abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, :, 0], quatComps[:, :, 1])) self.kam[:, -1] += abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, :, -1], quatComps[:, :, -2])) for i in range(1, self.xDim - 1): self.kam[:, i] += (abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, :, i], quatComps[:, :, i + 1])) + abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[:, :, i], quatComps[:, :, i - 1]))) / 2 self.kam /= 2 self.kam[self.kam > 1] = 1
[docs] def plotKamMap(self, **kwargs): """Plot Kernel Average Misorientaion (KAM) for the EBSD map. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': "Kernel average misorientation (KAM) ($^\circ$)" } plotParams.update(kwargs) self.calcKam() # Convert to degrees and plot kam = 2 * np.arccos(self.kam) * 180 / np.pi plot = MapPlot.create(self, kam, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] @reportProgress("calculating Nye tensor") def calcNye(self): """ Calculates Nye tensor and related GND density for the EBSD map. Stores result in self.Nye and self.GND. Uses the crystal symmetry of the primary phase. """ self.buildQuatArray() syms = self.primaryPhase.crystalStructure.symmetries numSyms = len(syms) # array to store quat components of initial and symmetric equivalents quatComps = np.empty((numSyms, 4, self.yDim, self.xDim)) # populate with initial quat components for i, row in enumerate(self.quatArray): for j, quat in enumerate(row): quatComps[0, :, i, j] = quat.quatCoef # loop of over symmetries and apply to initial quat components # (excluding first symmetry as this is the identity transformation) for i, sym in enumerate(syms[1:], start=1): # sym[i] * quat for all points (* is quaternion product) quatComps[i, 0] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1] * sym[1] - quatComps[0, 2] * sym[2] - quatComps[0, 3] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 1] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 2] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3] * sym[2]) quatComps[i, 2] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 3] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 3] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2] * sym[1]) # swap into positve hemisphere if required quatComps[i, :, quatComps[i, 0] < 0] *= -1 # Arrays to store neigbour misorientation in positive x and y direction misOrix = np.zeros((numSyms, self.yDim, self.xDim)) misOriy = np.zeros((numSyms, self.yDim, self.xDim)) # loop over symmetries calculating misorientation to initial for i in range(numSyms): for j in range(self.xDim - 1): misOrix[i, :, j] = abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[0, :, :, j], quatComps[i, :, :, j + 1])) for j in range(self.yDim - 1): misOriy[i, j, :] = abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[0, :, j, :], quatComps[i, :, j + 1, :])) misOrix[misOrix > 1] = 1 misOriy[misOriy > 1] = 1 # find min misorientation (max here as misorientaion is cos of this) argmisOrix = np.argmax(misOrix, axis=0) argmisOriy = np.argmax(misOriy, axis=0) misOrix = np.max(misOrix, axis=0) misOriy = np.max(misOriy, axis=0) # convert to misorientation in degrees misOrix = 360 * np.arccos(misOrix) / np.pi misOriy = 360 * np.arccos(misOriy) / np.pi # calculate relative elastic distortion tensors at each point in the two directions betaderx = np.zeros((3, 3, self.yDim, self.xDim)) betadery = betaderx for i in range(self.xDim - 1): for j in range(self.yDim - 1): q0x = Quat(quatComps[0, 0, j, i], quatComps[0, 1, j, i], quatComps[0, 2, j, i], quatComps[0, 3, j, i]) qix = Quat(quatComps[argmisOrix[j, i], 0, j, i + 1], quatComps[argmisOrix[j, i], 1, j, i + 1], quatComps[argmisOrix[j, i], 2, j, i + 1], quatComps[argmisOrix[j, i], 3, j, i + 1]) misoquatx = qix.conjugate * q0x # change stepsize to meters betaderx[:, :, j, i] = (Quat.rotMatrix(misoquatx) - np.eye(3)) / self.stepSize / 1e-6 q0y = Quat(quatComps[0, 0, j, i], quatComps[0, 1, j, i], quatComps[0, 2, j, i], quatComps[0, 3, j, i]) qiy = Quat(quatComps[argmisOriy[j, i], 0, j + 1, i], quatComps[argmisOriy[j, i], 1, j + 1, i], quatComps[argmisOriy[j, i], 2, j + 1, i], quatComps[argmisOriy[j, i], 3, j + 1, i]) misoquaty = qiy.conjugate * q0y # change stepsize to meters betadery[:, :, j, i] = (Quat.rotMatrix(misoquaty) - np.eye(3)) / self.stepSize / 1e-6 # Calculate the Nye Tensor alpha = np.empty((3, 3, self.yDim, self.xDim)) bavg = 1.4e-10 # Burgers vector alpha[0, 2] = (betadery[0, 0] - betaderx[0, 1]) / bavg alpha[1, 2] = (betadery[1, 0] - betaderx[1, 1]) / bavg alpha[2, 2] = (betadery[2, 0] - betaderx[2, 1]) / bavg alpha[:, 1] = betaderx[:, 2] / bavg alpha[:, 0] = -1 * betadery[:, 2] / bavg # Calculate 3 possible L1 norms of Nye tensor for total # disloction density alpha_total3 = np.empty((self.yDim, self.xDim)) alpha_total5 = np.empty((self.yDim, self.xDim)) alpha_total9 = np.empty((self.yDim, self.xDim)) alpha_total3 = 30 / 10. *( abs(alpha[0, 2]) + abs(alpha[1, 2]) + abs(alpha[2, 2]) ) alpha_total5 = 30 / 14. * ( abs(alpha[0, 2]) + abs(alpha[1, 2]) + abs(alpha[2, 2]) + abs(alpha[1, 0]) + abs(alpha[0, 1]) ) alpha_total9 = 30 / 20. * ( abs(alpha[0, 2]) + abs(alpha[1, 2]) + abs(alpha[2, 2]) + abs(alpha[0, 0]) + abs(alpha[1, 0]) + abs(alpha[2, 0]) + abs(alpha[0, 1]) + abs(alpha[1, 1]) + abs(alpha[2, 1]) ) alpha_total3[abs(alpha_total3) < 1] = 1e12 alpha_total5[abs(alpha_total3) < 1] = 1e12 alpha_total9[abs(alpha_total3) < 1] = 1e12 # choose from the different alpha_totals according to preference; # see Ruggles GND density paper self.GND = alpha_total9 self.Nye = alpha yield 1.
[docs] def plotGNDMap(self, **kwargs): """Plots a map of geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': "Geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) content" } plotParams.update(kwargs) self.calcNye() plot = MapPlot.create(self, np.log10(self.GND), **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def checkDataLoaded(self): """ Checks if EBSD data is loaded Returns ------- bool True if data loaded """ if self.eulerAngleArray is None: raise Exception("Data not loaded") return True
[docs] @reportProgress("building quaternion array") def buildQuatArray(self, force=False): """Build quaternion array Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional If true, re-build quaternion array """ self.checkDataLoaded() if force or self.quatArray is None: # create the array of quat objects self.quatArray = Quat.createManyQuats(self.eulerAngleArray) yield 1.
[docs] def filterData(self, misOriTol=5): # Kuwahara filter print("8 quadrants") misOriTol *= np.pi / 180 misOriTol = np.cos(misOriTol / 2) # store quat components in array quatComps = np.empty((4,) + self.shape) for idx in np.ndindex(self.shape): quatComps[(slice(None),) + idx] = self.quatArray[idx].quatCoef # misorientation in each quadrant surrounding a point misOris = np.zeros((8,) + self.shape) for i in range(2, self.shape[0] - 2): for j in range(2, self.shape[1] - 2): refQuat = quatComps[:, i, j] quadrants = [ quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j - 2:j + 1], # UL quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j - 1:j + 2], # UC quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j:j + 3], # UR quatComps[:, i - 1:i + 2, j:j + 3], # MR quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j:j + 3], # LR quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j - 1:j + 2], # LC quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j - 2:j + 1], # LL quatComps[:, i - 1:i + 2, j - 2:j + 1] # ML ] for k, quats in enumerate(quadrants): misOrisQuad = np.abs( np.einsum("ijk,i->jk", quats, refQuat) ) misOrisQuad = misOrisQuad[misOrisQuad > misOriTol] misOris[k, i, j] = misOrisQuad.mean() minMisOriQuadrant = np.argmax(misOris, axis=0) # minMisOris = np.max(misOris, axis=0) # minMisOris[minMisOris > 1.] = 1. # minMisOris = 2 * np.arccos(minMisOris) quatCompsNew = np.copy(quatComps) for i in range(2, self.shape[0] - 2): for j in range(2, self.shape[1] - 2): # if minMisOris[i, j] < misOriTol: # continue refQuat = quatComps[:, i, j] quadrants = [ quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j - 2:j + 1], # UL quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j - 1:j + 2], # UC quatComps[:, i - 2:i + 1, j:j + 3], # UR quatComps[:, i - 1:i + 2, j:j + 3], # MR quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j:j + 3], # LR quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j - 1:j + 2], # LC quatComps[:, i:i + 3, j - 2:j + 1], # LL quatComps[:, i - 1:i + 2, j - 2:j + 1] # ML ] quats = quadrants[minMisOriQuadrant[i, j]] misOrisQuad = np.abs( np.einsum("ijk,i->jk", quats, refQuat) ) quats = quats[:, misOrisQuad > misOriTol] avOri = np.einsum("ij->i", quats) # avOri /= np.sqrt(, avOri)) quatCompsNew[:, i, j] = avOri quatCompsNew /= np.sqrt(np.einsum("ijk,ijk->jk", quatCompsNew, quatCompsNew)) quatArrayNew = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=Quat) for idx in np.ndindex(self.shape): quatArrayNew[idx] = Quat(quatCompsNew[(slice(None),) + idx]) self.quatArray = quatArrayNew return quats
[docs] @reportProgress("finding grain boundaries") def findBoundaries(self, boundDef=10): """Find grain and phase boundaries Parameters ---------- boundDef : float Critical misorientation. """ # TODO: what happens with non-indexed points # TODO: grain boundaries should be calculated per crystal structure syms = self.primaryPhase.crystalStructure.symmetries numSyms = len(syms) # array to store quat components of initial and symmetric equivalents quatComps = np.empty((numSyms, 4, self.yDim, self.xDim)) # populate with initial quat components for i, row in enumerate(self.quatArray): for j, quat in enumerate(row): quatComps[0, :, i, j] = quat.quatCoef # loop of over symmetries and apply to initial quat components # (excluding first symmetry as this is the identity transformation) for i, sym in enumerate(syms[1:], start=1): # sym[i] * quat for all points (* is quaternion product) quatComps[i, 0] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1] * sym[1] - quatComps[0, 2] * sym[2] - quatComps[0, 3] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 1] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 2] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3] * sym[2]) quatComps[i, 2] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 3] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 3] = (quatComps[0, 0] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2] * sym[1]) # swap into positive hemisphere if required quatComps[i, :, quatComps[i, 0] < 0] *= -1 # Arrays to store neighbour misorientation in positive x and y # directions misOriX = np.ones((numSyms, self.yDim, self.xDim)) misOriY = np.ones((numSyms, self.yDim, self.xDim)) # loop over symmetries calculating misorientation to initial for i in range(numSyms): for j in range(self.xDim - 1): misOriX[i, :, j] = abs( np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[0, :, :, j], quatComps[i, :, :, j + 1])) for j in range(self.yDim - 1): misOriY[i, j, :] = abs(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", quatComps[0, :, j, :], quatComps[i, :, j + 1, :])) misOriX[misOriX > 1] = 1 misOriY[misOriY > 1] = 1 # find min misorientation (max here as misorientaion is cos of this) misOriX = np.max(misOriX, axis=0) misOriY = np.max(misOriY, axis=0) # convert to misorientation in degrees misOriX = 2 * np.arccos(misOriX) * 180 / np.pi misOriY = 2 * np.arccos(misOriY) * 180 / np.pi # GRAIN boundary POINTS where misOriX or misOriY are greater # than set value self.boundariesX = misOriX > boundDef self.boundariesY = misOriY > boundDef # PHASE boundary POINTS self.phaseBoundariesX = np.not_equal( self.phaseArray, np.roll(self.phaseArray, -1, axis=1)) self.phaseBoundariesX[:, -1] = False self.phaseBoundariesY = np.not_equal( self.phaseArray, np.roll(self.phaseArray, -1, axis=0)) self.phaseBoundariesY[-1, :] = False self.phaseBoundaries = np.logical_or( self.phaseBoundariesX, self.phaseBoundariesY) self.phaseBoundaries = -self.phaseBoundaries.astype(int) # add PHASE boundary POINTS to GRAIN boundary POINTS self.boundariesX = np.logical_or(self.boundariesX, self.phaseBoundariesX) self.boundariesY = np.logical_or(self.boundariesY, self.phaseBoundariesY) self.boundaries = np.logical_or(self.boundariesX, self.boundariesY) self.boundaries = -self.boundaries.astype(int) _, _, self.boundaryLines = BoundarySegment.boundary_points_to_lines( boundary_points_x=zip(*self.boundariesX.transpose().nonzero()), boundary_points_y=zip(*self.boundariesY.transpose().nonzero()) ) _, _, self.phaseBoundaryLines = BoundarySegment.boundary_points_to_lines( boundary_points_x=zip(*self.phaseBoundariesX.transpose().nonzero()), boundary_points_y=zip(*self.phaseBoundariesY.transpose().nonzero()) ) yield 1.
[docs] @reportProgress("constructing neighbour network") def buildNeighbourNetwork(self): # create network nn = nx.Graph() nn.add_nodes_from(self.grainList) for i, boundaries in enumerate((self.boundariesX, self.boundariesY)): yLocs, xLocs = np.nonzero(boundaries) totalPoints = len(xLocs) for iPoint, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xLocs, yLocs)): # report progress, assumes roughly equal number of x and # y boundary points yield 0.5 * (i + iPoint / totalPoints) if (x == 0 or y == 0 or x == self.grains.shape[1] - 1 or y == self.grains.shape[0] - 1): # exclude boundary pixels of map continue grainID = self.grains[y, x] - 1 neiGrainID = self.grains[y + i, x - i + 1] - 1 if neiGrainID == grainID: # ignore if neighbour is same as grain continue if neiGrainID < 0 or grainID < 0: # ignore if not a grain (boundary points -1 and # points in small grains -2) continue grain = self[grainID] neiGrain = self[neiGrainID] try: # look up boundary segment if it exists bSeg = nn[grain][neiGrain]['boundary'] except KeyError: # neighbour relation doesn't exist so add it bSeg = BoundarySegment(self, grain, neiGrain) nn.add_edge(grain, neiGrain, boundary=bSeg) # add the boundary point bSeg.addBoundaryPoint((x, y), i, grain) self.neighbourNetwork = nn
[docs] @reportProgress("finding phase boundaries") def plotPhaseBoundaryMap(self, dilate=False, **kwargs): """Plot phase boundary map. Parameters ---------- dilate : bool If true, dilate boundary. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'vmax': 1, 'plotColourBar': True, 'cmap': 'gray' } plotParams.update(kwargs) boundariesImage = -self.phaseBoundaries if dilate: boundariesImage = mph.binary_dilation(boundariesImage) plot = MapPlot.create(self, boundariesImage, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def plotBoundaryMap(self, **kwargs): """Plot grain boundary map. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotGBs': True, 'boundaryColour': 'black' } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, None, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] @reportProgress("finding grains") def findGrains(self, minGrainSize=10): """Find grains and assign IDs. Parameters ---------- minGrainSize : int Minimum grain area in pixels. """ # Initialise the grain map # TODO: Look at grain map compared to boundary map # self.grains = np.copy(self.boundaries) self.grains = np.zeros_like(self.boundaries) self.grainList = [] # List of points where no grain has be set yet points_left = self.phaseArray != 0 total_points = points_left.sum() found_point = 0 next_point = points_left.tobytes().find(b'\x01') # Start counter for grains grainIndex = 1 # Loop until all points (except boundaries) have been assigned # to a grain or ignored i = 0 while found_point >= 0: # Flood fill first unknown point and return grain object idx = np.unravel_index(next_point, self.grains.shape) currentGrain = self.floodFill(idx[1], idx[0], grainIndex, points_left) if len(currentGrain) < minGrainSize: # if grain size less than minimum, ignore grain and set # values in grain map to -2 for coord in currentGrain.coordList: self.grains[coord[1], coord[0]] = -2 else: # add grain to list and increment grain index self.grainList.append(currentGrain) grainIndex += 1 # find next search point points_left_sub = points_left.reshape(-1)[next_point + 1:] found_point = points_left_sub.tobytes().find(b'\x01') next_point += found_point + 1 # report progress i += 1 if i == defaults['find_grain_report_freq']: yield 1. - points_left_sub.sum() / total_points i = 0 # Assign phase to each grain for grain in self: phaseVals = grain.grainData(self.phaseArray) if np.max(phaseVals) != np.min(phaseVals): warn(f"Grain {grain.grainID} could not be assigned a " f"phase, phase vals not constant.") continue phaseID = phaseVals[0] - 1 if not (0 <= phaseID < self.numPhases): warn(f"Grain {grain.grainID} could not be assigned a " f"phase, invalid phase {phaseID}.") continue grain.phaseID = phaseID grain.phase = self.phases[phaseID]
[docs] def plotGrainMap(self, **kwargs): """Plot a map with grains coloured. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'clabel': "Grain number" } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, self.grains, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def floodFill(self, x, y, grainIndex, points_left): """Flood fill algorithm that uses the x and y boundary arrays to fill a connected area around the seed point. The points are inserted into a grain object and the grain map array is updated. Parameters ---------- x : int Seed point x for flood fill y : int Seed point y for flood fill grainIndex : int Value to fill in grain map points_left : numpy.ndarray Boolean map of the points that have not been assigned a grain yet Returns ------- currentGrain : defdap.ebsd.Grain New grain object with points added """ # create new grain currentGrain = Grain(grainIndex - 1, self) # add first point to the grain currentGrain.addPoint((x, y), self.quatArray[y, x]) self.grains[y, x] = grainIndex points_left[y, x] = False edge = [(x, y)] while edge: x, y = edge.pop(0) moves = [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)] # get rid of any that go out of the map area if x <= 0: moves.pop(1) elif x >= self.xDim - 1: moves.pop(0) if y <= 0: moves.pop(-1) elif y >= self.yDim - 1: moves.pop(-2) for (s, t) in moves: if self.grains[t, s] > 0: continue addPoint = False if t == y: # moving horizontally if s > x: # moving right addPoint = not self.boundariesX[y, x] else: # moving left addPoint = not self.boundariesX[t, s] else: # moving vertically if t > y: # moving down addPoint = not self.boundariesY[y, x] else: # moving up addPoint = not self.boundariesY[t, s] if addPoint: currentGrain.addPoint((s, t), self.quatArray[t, s]) self.grains[t, s] = grainIndex points_left[t, s] = False edge.append((s, t)) return currentGrain
[docs] @reportProgress("calculating grain mean orientations") def calcGrainAvOris(self): """Calculate the average orientation of grains. """ # Check that grains have been detected in the map self.checkGrainsDetected() numGrains = len(self) for iGrain, grain in enumerate(self): grain.calcAverageOri() # report progress yield (iGrain + 1) / numGrains
[docs] @reportProgress("calculating grain misorientations") def calcGrainMisOri(self, calcAxis=False): """Calculate the misorientation within grains. Parameters ---------- calcAxis : bool Calculate the misorientation axis if True. """ # Check that grains have been detected in the map self.checkGrainsDetected() numGrains = len(self) for iGrain, grain in enumerate(self): grain.buildMisOriList(calcAxis=calcAxis) # report progress yield (iGrain + 1) / numGrains
[docs] def plotMisOriMap(self, component=0, **kwargs): """Plot misorientation map. Parameters ---------- component : int, {0, 1, 2, 3} 0 gives misorientation, 1, 2, 3 gives rotation about x, y, z kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Check that grains have been detected in the map self.checkGrainsDetected() self.misOri = np.ones([self.yDim, self.xDim]) if component in [1, 2, 3]: # Calculate misorientation axis if not calculated if np.any([grain.misOriAxisList is None for grain in self.grainList]): self.calcGrainMisOri(calcAxis = True) for grain in self.grainList: for coord, misOriAxis in zip(grain.coordList, np.array(grain.misOriAxisList)): self.misOri[coord[1], coord[0]] = misOriAxis[component - 1] misOri = self.misOri * 180 / np.pi clabel = "Rotation around {:} axis ($^\circ$)".format( ['X', 'Y', 'Z'][component-1] ) else: # Calculate misorientation if not calculated if np.any([grain.misOriList is None for grain in self.grainList]): self.calcGrainMisOri(calcAxis = False) for grain in self.grainList: for coord, misOri in zip(grain.coordList, grain.misOriList): self.misOri[coord[1], coord[0]] = misOri misOri = np.arccos(self.misOri) * 360 / np.pi clabel = "Grain reference orienation deviation (GROD) ($^\circ$)" # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': clabel } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, misOri, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] @reportProgress("calculating grain average Schmid factors") def calcAverageGrainSchmidFactors(self, loadVector, slipSystems=None): """ Calculates Schmid factors for all slip systems, for all grains, based on average grain orientation. Parameters ---------- loadVector : Loading vector, e.g. [1, 0, 0]. slipSystems : list, optional Slip planes to calculate Schmid factor for, maximum of all planes calculated if not given. """ # Check that grains have been detected in the map self.checkGrainsDetected() numGrains = len(self) for iGrain, grain in enumerate(self.grainList): grain.calcAverageSchmidFactors(loadVector, slipSystems=slipSystems) # report progress yield (iGrain + 1) / numGrains
[docs] def plotAverageGrainSchmidFactorsMap(self, planes=None, directions=None, **kwargs): """ Plot maximum Schmid factor map, based on average grain orientation (for all slip systems unless specified). Parameters ---------- planes : list, optional Plane ID(s) to consider. All planes considered if not given. directions : list, optional Direction ID(s) to consider. All directions considered if not given. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = { 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 0.5, 'cmap': 'gray', 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': "Schmid factor" } plot_params.update(kwargs) # Check that grains have been detected in the map self.checkGrainsDetected() if self[0].averageSchmidFactors is None: raise Exception("Run 'calcAverageGrainSchmidFactors' first") grains_sf_max = [] for grain in self.grainList: current_sf = [] if planes is not None: for plane in planes: if directions is not None: for direction in directions: current_sf.append( grain.averageSchmidFactors[plane][direction] ) else: current_sf += grain.averageSchmidFactors[plane] else: for sf_group in grain.averageSchmidFactors: current_sf += sf_group grains_sf_max.append(max(current_sf)) plot = self.plotGrainDataMap(grainData=grains_sf_max, bg=0.5, **plot_params) return plot
[docs]class Grain(base.Grain): """ Class to encapsulate a grain in an EBSD map and useful analysis and plotting methods. Attributes ---------- ebsdMap : defdap.ebsd.Map EBSD map this grain is a member of. ownerMap : defdap.ebsd.Map EBSD map this grain is a member of. phaseID : int phase : defdap.crystal.Phase quatList : list List of quats. misOriList : list MisOri at each point in grain. misOriAxisList : list MisOri axes at each point in grain. refOri : defdap.quat.Quat Average ori of grain averageMisOri Average misOri of grain. averageSchmidFactors : list List of list Schmid factors (grouped by slip plane). slipTraceAngles : list Slip trace angles in screen plane. slipTraceInclinations : list Angle between slip plane and screen plane. """ def __init__(self, grainID, ebsdMap): # Call base class constructor super(Grain, self).__init__(grainID, ebsdMap) self.ebsdMap = self.ownerMap # ebsd map this grain is a member of self.quatList = [] # list of quats self.misOriList = None # list of misOri at each point in grain self.misOriAxisList = None # list of misOri axes at each point in grain self.refOri = None # (quat) average ori of grain self.averageMisOri = None # average misOri of grain self.averageSchmidFactors = None # list of list Schmid factors (grouped by slip plane) self.slipTraceAngles = None # list of slip trace angles self.slipTraceInclinations = None @property def plotDefault(self): return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.plotUnitCell( *args, **kwargs ) @property def crystalSym(self): """Temporary""" return
[docs] def addPoint(self, coord, quat): """Append a coordinate and a quat to a grain. Parameters ---------- coord : tuple (x,y) coordinate to append quat : defdap.quat.Quat Quaternion to append. """ self.coordList.append(coord) self.quatList.append(quat)
[docs] def calcAverageOri(self): """Calculate the average orientation of a grain. """ quatCompsSym = Quat.calcSymEqvs(self.quatList, self.crystalSym) self.refOri = Quat.calcAverageOri(quatCompsSym)
[docs] def buildMisOriList(self, calcAxis=False): """Calculate the misorientation within given grain. Parameters ---------- calcAxis : bool Calculate the misorientation axis if True. """ quatCompsSym = Quat.calcSymEqvs(self.quatList, self.crystalSym) if self.refOri is None: self.refOri = Quat.calcAverageOri(quatCompsSym) misOriArray, minQuatComps = Quat.calcMisOri(quatCompsSym, self.refOri) self.averageMisOri = misOriArray.mean() self.misOriList = list(misOriArray) if calcAxis: # Now for axis calulation refOriInv = self.refOri.conjugate misOriAxis = np.empty((3, minQuatComps.shape[1])) Dq = np.empty((4, minQuatComps.shape[1])) # refOriInv * minQuat for all points (* is quaternion product) # change to minQuat * refOriInv Dq[0, :] = (refOriInv[0] * minQuatComps[0, :] - refOriInv[1] * minQuatComps[1, :] - refOriInv[2] * minQuatComps[2, :] - refOriInv[3] * minQuatComps[3, :]) Dq[1, :] = (refOriInv[1] * minQuatComps[0, :] + refOriInv[0] * minQuatComps[1, :] + refOriInv[3] * minQuatComps[2, :] - refOriInv[2] * minQuatComps[3, :]) Dq[2, :] = (refOriInv[2] * minQuatComps[0, :] + refOriInv[0] * minQuatComps[2, :] + refOriInv[1] * minQuatComps[3, :] - refOriInv[3] * minQuatComps[1, :]) Dq[3, :] = (refOriInv[3] * minQuatComps[0, :] + refOriInv[0] * minQuatComps[3, :] + refOriInv[2] * minQuatComps[1, :] - refOriInv[1] * minQuatComps[2, :]) Dq[:, Dq[0] < 0] = -Dq[:, Dq[0] < 0] # numpy broadcasting taking care of different array sizes misOriAxis[:, :] = (2 * Dq[1:4, :] * np.arccos(Dq[0, :])) / np.sqrt(1 - np.power(Dq[0, :], 2)) # hack it back into a list. Need to change self.*List to be arrays, it was a bad decision to # make them lists in the beginning self.misOriAxisList = [] for row in misOriAxis.transpose(): self.misOriAxisList.append(row)
[docs] def plotRefOri(self, direction=np.array([0, 0, 1]), **kwargs): """Plot the average grain orientation on an IPF. Parameters ---------- direction : numpy.ndarray Sample direction for IPF. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.quat.Quat.plotIPF`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.PolePlot """ plotParams = {'marker': '+'} plotParams.update(kwargs) return Quat.plotIPF([self.refOri], direction, self.crystalSym, **plotParams)
[docs] def plotOriSpread(self, direction=np.array([0, 0, 1]), **kwargs): """Plot all orientations within a given grain, on an IPF. Parameters ---------- direction : numpy.ndarray Sample direction for IPF. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.quat.Quat.plotIPF`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.PolePlot """ plotParams = {'marker': '.'} plotParams.update(kwargs) return Quat.plotIPF(self.quatList, direction, self.crystalSym, **plotParams)
[docs] def plotUnitCell(self, fig=None, ax=None, plot=None, **kwargs): """Plot an unit cell of the average grain orientation. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on ax : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on plot : defdap.plotting.PolePlot defdap plot to plot the figure to. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.quat.Quat.plotUnitCell`. """ crystalStructure = self.ebsdMap.phases[self.phaseID].crystalStructure plot = Quat.plotUnitCell(self.refOri, fig=fig, ax=ax, plot=plot, crystalStructure=crystalStructure, **kwargs) return plot
[docs] def plotMisOri(self, component=0, **kwargs): """Plot misorientation map for a given grain. Parameters ---------- component : int, {0, 1, 2, 3} 0 gives misorientation, 1, 2, 3 gives rotation about x, y, z. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.ebsd.plotGrainData`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.GrainPlot """ component = int(component) # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True } if component == 0: if self.misOriList is None: self.buildMisOriList() plotParams['clabel'] = "Grain reference orientation " \ "deviation (GROD) ($^\circ$)" plotData = np.rad2deg(2 * np.arccos(self.misOriList)) elif 0 < component < 4: if self.misOriAxisList is None: self.buildMisOriList(calcAxis=True) plotParams['clabel'] = "Rotation around {:} ($^\circ$)".format( ['X', 'Y', 'Z'][component-1] ) plotData = np.rad2deg(np.array(self.misOriAxisList)[:, component-1]) else: raise ValueError("Component must between 0 and 3") plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = self.plotGrainData(grainData=plotData, **plotParams) return plot
# define load axis as unit vector
[docs] def calcAverageSchmidFactors(self, loadVector, slipSystems=None): """Calculate Schmid factors for grain, using average orientation. Parameters ---------- loadVector : numpy.ndarray Loading vector, i.e. [1, 0, 0] slipSystems : list, optional Slip planes to calculate Schmid factor for. Maximum for all planes used if not set. """ if slipSystems is None: slipSystems = self.phase.slipSystems if self.refOri is None: self.calcAverageOri() # orientation of grain grainAvOri = self.refOri # Transform the load vector into crystal coordinates loadVectorCrystal = grainAvOri.transformVector(loadVector) self.averageSchmidFactors = [] # flatten list of lists # slipSystems = chain.from_iterable(slipSystems) # Loop over groups of slip systems with same slip plane for i, slipSystemGroup in enumerate(slipSystems): self.averageSchmidFactors.append([]) # Then loop over individual slip systems for slipSystem in slipSystemGroup: schmidFactor = abs(, slipSystem.slipPlane) *, slipSystem.slipDir)) self.averageSchmidFactors[i].append(schmidFactor) return
@property def slipTraces(self): """Returns list of slip trace angles. Returns ------- list Slip trace angles based on grain orientation in calcSlipTraces. """ if self.slipTraceAngles is None: self.calcSlipTraces() return self.slipTraceAngles
[docs] def printSlipTraces(self): """Print a list of slip planes (with colours) and slip directions """ self.calcSlipTraces() if self.averageSchmidFactors is None: raise Exception("Run 'calcAverageGrainSchmidFactors' on the EBSD map first") for ssGroup, colour, sfGroup, slipTrace in zip( self.phase.slipSystems, self.phase.slipTraceColours, self.averageSchmidFactors, self.slipTraces ): print('{0}\tColour: {1}\tAngle: {2:.2f}'.format(ssGroup[0].slipPlaneLabel, colour, slipTrace * 180 / np.pi)) for ss, sf in zip(ssGroup, sfGroup): print(' {0} SF: {1:.3f}'.format(ss.slipDirLabel, sf))
[docs] def calcSlipTraces(self, slipSystems=None): """Calculates list of slip trace angles based on grain orientation. Parameters ------- slipSystems : defdap.crystal.SlipSystem, optional """ if slipSystems is None: slipSystems = self.phase.slipSystems if self.refOri is None: self.calcAverageOri() screenPlaneNorm = np.array((0, 0, 1)) # in sample orientation frame grainAvOri = self.refOri # orientation of grain screenPlaneNormCrystal = grainAvOri.transformVector(screenPlaneNorm) self.slipTraceAngles = [] self.slipTraceInclinations = [] # Loop over each group of slip systems for slipSystemGroup in slipSystems: # Take slip plane from first in group slipPlaneNorm = slipSystemGroup[0].slipPlane # planeLabel = slipSystemGroup[0].slipPlaneLabel # Calculate intersection of slip plane with plane of screen intersectionCrystal = np.cross(screenPlaneNormCrystal, slipPlaneNorm) # Calculate angle between slip plane and screen plane inclination = np.arccos(, slipPlaneNorm)) if inclination > np.pi / 2: inclination = np.pi - inclination # print("{} inclination: {:.1f}".format(planeLabel, inclination * 180 / np.pi)) # Transform intersection back into sample coordinates and normalise intersection = grainAvOri.conjugate.transformVector(intersectionCrystal) intersection = intersection / np.sqrt(, intersection)) # Calculate trace angle. Starting vertical and proceeding # counter clockwise if intersection[0] > 0: intersection *= -1 traceAngle = np.arccos(, np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))) # Append to list self.slipTraceAngles.append(traceAngle) self.slipTraceInclinations.append(inclination)
[docs]class BoundarySegment(object): def __init__(self, ebsdMap, grain1, grain2): self.ebsdMap = ebsdMap self.grain1 = grain1 self.grain2 = grain2 # list of boundary points (x, y) for horizontal (X) and # vertical (Y) boundaries self.boundaryPointsX = [] self.boundaryPointsY = [] # Boolean value for each point above, True if boundary point is # in grain1 and False if in grain2 self.boundaryPointOwnersX = [] self.boundaryPointOwnersY = [] def __eq__(self, right): if type(self) is not type(right): raise NotImplementedError() return ((self.grain1 is right.grain1 and self.grain2 is right.grain2) or (self.grain1 is right.grain2 and self.grain2 is right.grain1)) def __len__(self): return len(self.boundaryPointsX) + len(self.boundaryPointsY)
[docs] def addBoundaryPoint(self, point, kind, ownerGrain): if kind == 0: self.boundaryPointsX.append(point) self.boundaryPointOwnersX.append(ownerGrain is self.grain1) elif kind == 1: self.boundaryPointsY.append(point) self.boundaryPointOwnersY.append(ownerGrain is self.grain1) else: raise ValueError("Boundary point kind is 0 for x and 1 for y")
[docs] def boundaryPointPairs(self, kind): """Return pairs of points either side of the boundary. The first point is always in grain1 """ if kind == 0: boundaryPoints = self.boundaryPointsX boundaryPointOwners = self.boundaryPointOwnersX delta = (1, 0) else: boundaryPoints = self.boundaryPointsY boundaryPointOwners = self.boundaryPointOwnersY delta = (0, 1) boundaryPointPairs = [] for point, owner in zip(boundaryPoints, boundaryPointOwners): otherPoint = (point[0] + delta[0], point[1] + delta[1]) if owner: boundaryPointPairs.append((point, otherPoint)) else: boundaryPointPairs.append((otherPoint, point)) return boundaryPointPairs
@property def boundaryPointPairsX(self): """Return pairs of points either side of the boundary. The first point is always in grain1 """ return self.boundaryPointPairs(0) @property def boundaryPointPairsY(self): """Return pairs of points either side of the boundary. The first point is always in grain1 """ return self.boundaryPointPairs(1) @property def boundaryLines(self): """Return line points along this boundary segment""" _, _, lines = self.boundary_points_to_lines( boundary_points_x=self.boundaryPointsX, boundary_points_y=self.boundaryPointsY ) return lines
[docs] def misorientation(self): misOri, minSymm = self.grain1.refOri.misOri( self.grain2.refOri, self.ebsdMap.crystalSym, returnQuat=2 ) misOri = 2 * np.arccos(misOri) misOriAxis = self.grain1.refOri.misOriAxis(minSymm) # should this be a unit vector already? misOriAxis /= np.sqrt(, misOriAxis)) return misOri, misOriAxis
# compVector = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) # deviation = np.arccos( #, np.array([1., 1., 1.])) / # (np.sqrt(, misOriAxis) *, # compVector)))) # print(deviation * 180 / np.pi)
[docs] @staticmethod def boundary_points_to_lines(*, boundary_points_x=None, boundary_points_y=None): boundary_data = {} if boundary_points_x is not None: boundary_data['x'] = boundary_points_x if boundary_points_y is not None: boundary_data['y'] = boundary_points_y if not boundary_data: raise ValueError("No boundaries provided.") deltas = { 'x': (0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 'y': (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) } all_lines = [] for mode, points in boundary_data.items(): lines = [] for i, j in points: lines.append(( (i + deltas[mode][0], j + deltas[mode][1]), (i + deltas[mode][2], j + deltas[mode][3]) )) all_lines.append(lines) if len(all_lines) == 2: all_lines.append(all_lines[0] + all_lines[1]) return tuple(all_lines) else: return all_lines[0]
[docs]class Linker(object): """Class for linking multiple EBSD maps of the same region for analysis of deformation. Attributes ---------- ebsd_maps : list(ebsd.Map) List of `ebsd.Map` objects that are linked. links : list(tuple(int)) List of grain link. Each link is stored as a tuple of grain IDs (one from each map stored in same order of maps). plots : list(plotting.MapPlot) List of last opened plot of each map. """ def __init__(self, ebsd_maps): """Initialise linker and set ebsd maps Parameters ---------- ebsd_maps : list(ebsd.Map) List of `ebsd.Map` objects that are linked. """ self.ebsd_maps = ebsd_maps self.links = [] self.plots = None
[docs] def set_origin(self, **kwargs): """Interacive tool to set origin of each EBSD map. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.ebsd.Map.plotDefault` """ self.plots = [] for ebsd_map in self.ebsd_maps: plot = ebsd_map.plotDefault(makeInteractive=True, **kwargs) plot.addEventHandler('button_press_event', self.click_set_origin) plot.addPoints([ebsd_map.origin[0]], [ebsd_map.origin[1]], c='w', s=60, marker='x') self.plots.append(plot)
[docs] def click_set_origin(self, event, plot): """Event handler for clicking to set origin of map. Parameters ---------- event Click event. plot : defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot to capture clicks from. """ # check if click was on the map if event.inaxes is not return origin = (int(event.xdata), int(event.ydata)) plot.callingMap.origin = origin plot.addPoints([origin[0]], [origin[1]], updateLayer=0) print(f"Origin set to ({origin[0]}, {origin[1]})")
[docs] def start_linking(self): """Start interactive grain linking process of each EBSD map. """ self.plots = [] for ebsd_map in self.ebsd_maps: plot = ebsd_map.locateGrainID(clickEvent=self.click_grain_guess) # Add make link button to axes plot.addButton('Make link', self.make_link, color='0.85', hovercolor='0.95') self.plots.append(plot)
[docs] def click_grain_guess(self, event, plot): """Guesses grain position in other maps, given click on one. Parameters ---------- event Click handler. plot : defdap.plotting.Plot Plot to capture clicks from. """ # check if click was on the map if event.inaxes is not return curr_ebsd_map = plot.callingMap if curr_ebsd_map is self.ebsd_maps[0]: # clicked on 'master' map so highlight and guess grain on others # set current grain in 'master' ebsd map self.ebsd_maps[0].clickGrainID(event, plot, False) # guess at grain in other maps for ebsd_map, plot in zip(self.ebsd_maps[1:], self.plots[1:]): # calculated position relative to set origin of the # map, scaled from step size of maps x0m = curr_ebsd_map.origin[0] y0m = curr_ebsd_map.origin[1] x0 = ebsd_map.origin[0] y0 = ebsd_map.origin[1] scaling = curr_ebsd_map.stepSize / ebsd_map.stepSize x = int((event.xdata - x0m) * scaling + x0) y = int((event.ydata - y0m) * scaling + y0) ebsd_map.currGrainId = int(ebsd_map.grains[y, x]) - 1 print(ebsd_map.currGrainId) # update the grain highlights layer in the plot plot.addGrainHighlights([ebsd_map.currGrainId], alpha=ebsd_map.highlightAlpha) else: # clicked on other map so correct guessed selected grain curr_ebsd_map.clickGrainID(event, plot, False)
# Analysis routines
[docs] def set_ref_ori_from_master(self): """Loop over each map (not first/reference) and each link. Sets refOri of linked grains to refOri of grain in first map. """ for i, ebsd_map in enumerate(self.ebsd_maps[1:], start=1): for link in self.links: ebsd_map.grainList[link[i]].refOri = copy.deepcopy( self.ebsd_maps[0].grainList[link[0]].refOri )
[docs] def update_misori(self, calc_axis=False): """Recalculate misorientation for linked grain (not for first map) Parameters ---------- calc_axis : bool Calculate the misorientation axis if True. """ for i, ebsdMap in enumerate(self.ebsd_maps[1:], start=1): for link in self.links: ebsdMap.grainList[link[i]].buildMisOriList(calcAxis=calc_axis)