Source code for defdap.hrdic

# Copyright 2021 Mechanics of Microstructures Group
#    at The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import imread
import inspect

from skimage import transform as tf
from skimage import morphology as mph

from scipy.stats import mode
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation

import peakutils

from defdap.file_readers import DICDataLoader
from defdap import base
from defdap.quat import Quat

from defdap import defaults
from defdap.plotting import MapPlot, GrainPlot
from defdap.inspector import GrainInspector
from defdap.utils import reportProgress

[docs]class Map(base.Map): """ Class to encapsulate DIC map data and useful analysis and plotting methods. Attributes ---------- format : str Software name. version : str Software version. binning : int Sub-window size in pixels. xdim : int Size of map along x (from header). ydim : int Size of map along y (from header). xc : numpy.ndarray X coordinates. yc : numpy.ndarray Y coordinates. xd : numpy.ndarray X displacement. yd : numpy.ndarray Y displacement. corrVal : numpy.ndarray Correlation value. ebsdMap : defdap.ebsd.Map EBSD map linked to DIC map. ebsdTransform : various Transform from EBSD to DIC coordinates. ebsdTransformInv : various Transform from DIC to EBSD coordinates. ebsdGrainIds : list EBSD grain IDs corresponding to DIC map grain IDs. patternImPath : str Path to BSE image of map. plotHomog : Map to use for defining homologous points (defaults to plotMaxShear). highlightAlpha : float Alpha (transparency) of grain highlight. bseScale : float Size of a pixel in the correlated images. patScale : float Size of pixel in loaded pattern relative to pixel size of dic data i.e 1 means they are the same size and 2 means the pixels in the pattern are half the size of the dic data. path : str File path. fname : str File name. xDim : int Size of map along x (after cropping). yDim : int Size of map along y (after cropping). self.x_map : numpy.ndarray Map of u displacement component along x. self.y_map : numpy.ndarray Map of v displacement component along x. f11, f22, f12, f21 ; numpy.ndarray Components of the deformation gradient, where 1=x and 2=y. e11, e22, e12 : numpy.ndarray Components of the green strain , where 1=x and 2=y. eMaxShear : numpy.ndarray Max shear component np.sqrt(((e11 - e22) / 2.)**2 + e12**2). cropDists : numpy.ndarray Crop distances (default all zeros). """ def __init__(self, path, fname, dataType=None): """Initialise class and import DIC data from file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file. fname : str Name of file including extension. dataType : str Type of data file. """ # Call base class constructor super(Map, self).__init__() # Initialise variables self.format = None # Software name self.version = None # Software version self.binning = None # Sub-window size in pixels self.xdim = None # size of map along x (from header) self.ydim = None # size of map along y (from header) self.xc = None # x coordinates self.yc = None # y coordinates self.xd = None # x displacement self.yd = None # y displacement self.corrVal = None # correlation value self.ebsdMap = None # EBSD map linked to DIC map self.ebsdTransform = None # Transform from EBSD to DIC coordinates self.ebsdTransformInv = None # Transform from DIC to EBSD coordinates self.ebsdGrainIds = None self.patternImPath = None # Path to BSE image of map self.plotHomog = self.plotMaxShear # Use max shear map for defining homologous points self.highlightAlpha = 0.6 self.bseScale = None # size of a pixel in the correlated images self.patScale = None # size of pixel in loaded # pattern relative to pixel size of dic data i.e 1 means they # are the same size and 2 means the pixels in the pattern are # half the size of the dic data. self.path = path # file path self.fname = fname # file name self.loadData(path, fname, dataType=dataType) # *dim are full size of data. *Dim are size after cropping self.xDim = self.xdim self.yDim = self.ydim self.x_map = self._map(self.xd) # u displacement component along x self.y_map = self._map(self.yd) # v displacement component along x xDispGrad = self._grad(self.x_map) #d/dy is first term, d/dx is second yDispGrad = self._grad(self.y_map) # Deformation gradient self.f11 = xDispGrad[1] + 1 self.f22 = yDispGrad[0] + 1 self.f12 = xDispGrad[0] self.f21 = yDispGrad[1] # Green strain self.e11 = xDispGrad[1] + \ 0.5*(xDispGrad[1]*xDispGrad[1] + yDispGrad[1]*yDispGrad[1]) self.e22 = yDispGrad[0] + \ 0.5*(xDispGrad[0]*xDispGrad[0] + yDispGrad[0]*yDispGrad[0]) self.e12 = 0.5*(xDispGrad[0] + yDispGrad[1] + xDispGrad[1]*xDispGrad[0] + yDispGrad[1]*yDispGrad[0]) # max shear component self.eMaxShear = np.sqrt(((self.e11 - self.e22) / 2.)**2 + self.e12**2) self.component = {'f11': self.f11, 'f12': self.f12, 'f21': self.f21, 'f22': self.f22, 'e11': self.e11, 'e12': self.e12, 'e22': self.e22, 'eMaxShear': self.eMaxShear, 'x_map': self.x_map, 'y_map': self.y_map} # crop distances (default all zeros) self.cropDists = np.array(((0, 0), (0, 0)), dtype=int) self.plotDefault = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.plotMaxShear(plotGBs=True, *args, **kwargs) @property def crystalSym(self): return self.ebsdMap.crystalSym
[docs] @reportProgress("loading HRDIC data") def loadData(self, fileDir, fileName, dataType=None): """Load DIC data from file. Parameters ---------- fileDir : str Path to file. fileName : str Name of file including extension. dataType : str, {'DavisText'} Type of data file. """ dataType = "DavisText" if dataType is None else dataType dataLoader = DICDataLoader() if dataType == "DavisText": metadataDict = dataLoader.loadDavisMetadata(fileName, fileDir) dataDict = dataLoader.loadDavisData(fileName, fileDir) else: raise Exception("No loader found for this DIC data.") self.format = metadataDict['format'] # Software name self.version = metadataDict['version'] # Software version self.binning = metadataDict['binning'] # Sub-window width in pixels self.xdim = metadataDict['xDim'] # size of map along x (from header) self.ydim = metadataDict['yDim'] # size of map along y (from header) self.xc = dataDict['xc'] # x coordinates self.yc = dataDict['yc'] # y coordinates self.xd = dataDict['xd'] # x displacement self.yd = dataDict['yd'] # y displacement # write final status yield "Loaded {0} {1} data (dimensions: {2} x {3} pixels, " \ "sub-window size: {4} x {4} pixels)".format( self.format, self.version, self.xdim, self.ydim, self.binning )
[docs] def loadCorrValData(self, fileDir, fileName, dataType=None): """Load correlation value for DIC data Parameters ---------- fileDir : str Path to file. fileName : str Name of file including extension. dataType : str, {'DavisImage'} Type of data file. """ dataType = "DavisImage" if dataType is None else dataType dataLoader = DICDataLoader() if dataType == "DavisImage": loadedData = dataLoader.loadDavisImageData(fileName, fileDir) else: raise Exception("No loader found for this DIC data.") self.corrVal = loadedData assert self.xdim == self.corrVal.shape[1], \ "Dimensions of imported data and dic data do not match" assert self.ydim == self.corrVal.shape[0], \ "Dimensions of imported data and dic data do not match"
def _map(self, data_col): data_map = np.reshape(np.array(data_col), (self.ydim, self.xdim)) return data_map def _grad(self, data_map): grad_step = min(abs((np.diff(self.xc)))) data_grad = np.gradient(data_map, grad_step, grad_step) return data_grad
[docs] def retrieveName(self): """Gets the first name assigned to the a map, as a string """ for fi in reversed(inspect.stack()): names = [var_name for var_name, var_val in fi.frame.f_locals.items() if var_val is self] if len(names) > 0: return names[0]
[docs] def setScale(self, micrometrePerPixel): """Sets the scale of the map. Parameters ---------- micrometrePerPixel : float Length of pixel in original BSE image in micrometres. """ self.bseScale = micrometrePerPixel
@property def scale(self): """Returns the number of micrometers per pixel in the DIC map. """ if self.bseScale is None: raise ValueError("Map scale not set. Set with setScale()") return self.bseScale * self.binning
[docs] def printStatsTable(self, percentiles, components): """Print out a statistics table for a DIC map Parameters ---------- percentiles : list(float) list of percentiles to print i.e. 0, 50, 99. components : list(str) list of map components to print i.e. e11, f11, eMaxShear, x_map. """ # Check that components are valid if set(components).issubset(self.component) is False: strFormat = ('{}, ') * (len(self.component) - 1) + ('{}') raise Exception("Components must be: " + strFormat.format(*self.component)) # Print map info print('\033[1m', end=''), # START BOLD print("{0} (dimensions: {1} x {2} pixels, sub-window size: {3} " "x {3} pixels, number of points: {4})\n".format( self.retrieveName(), self.xDim, self.yDim, self.binning, self.xDim * self.yDim )) # Print header strFormat = ('{:10} ') + (len(percentiles)) * '{:12}' print(strFormat.format(*(['Component'] + percentiles))) print('\033[0m', end='') # END BOLD # Print table strFormat = ('{:10} ') + (len(percentiles)) * '{:12.4f}' for c in components: # Get the values and print in table per = [np.nanpercentile(self.crop(self.component[c]), p) for p in percentiles] print(strFormat.format(*([c] + per)))
[docs] def setCrop(self, xMin=None, xMax=None, yMin=None, yMax=None, updateHomogPoints=False): """Set a crop for the DIC map. Parameters ---------- xMin : int Distance to crop from left in pixels. xMax : int Distance to crop from right in pixels. yMin : int Distance to crop from top in pixels. yMax : int Distance to crop from bottom in pixels. updateHomogPoints : bool, optional If true, change homologous points to reflect crop. """ # changes in homog points dx = 0 dy = 0 # update crop distances if xMin is not None: if updateHomogPoints: dx = self.cropDists[0, 0] - int(xMin) self.cropDists[0, 0] = int(xMin) if xMax is not None: self.cropDists[0, 1] = int(xMax) if yMin is not None: if updateHomogPoints: dy = self.cropDists[1, 0] - int(yMin) self.cropDists[1, 0] = int(yMin) if yMax is not None: self.cropDists[1, 1] = int(yMax) # update homogo points if required if updateHomogPoints and (dx != 0 or dy != 0): self.updateHomogPoint(homogID=-1, delta=(dx, dy)) # set new cropped dimensions self.xDim = self.xdim - self.cropDists[0, 0] - self.cropDists[0, 1] self.yDim = self.ydim - self.cropDists[1, 0] - self.cropDists[1, 1]
[docs] def crop(self, mapData, binned=True): """ Crop given data using crop parameters stored in map i.e. cropped_data = DicMap.crop(DicMap.data_to_crop). Parameters ---------- mapData : numpy.ndarray Bap data to crop. binned : bool True if mapData is binned i.e. binned BSE pattern. """ if binned: multiplier = 1 else: multiplier = self.patScale minY = int(self.cropDists[1, 0] * multiplier) maxY = int((self.ydim - self.cropDists[1, 1]) * multiplier) minX = int(self.cropDists[0, 0] * multiplier) maxX = int((self.xdim - self.cropDists[0, 1]) * multiplier) return mapData[minY:maxY, minX:maxX]
[docs] def setHomogPoint(self, points=None, display=None, **kwargs): """Set homologous points. Uses interactive GUI if points is None. Parameters ---------- points : list, optional homologous points to set. display : string, optional Use max shear map if set to 'maxshear' or pattern if set to 'pattern'. """ if points is not None: self.homogPoints = points if points is None: if display is None: display = "maxshear" # Set plot dafault to display selected image display = display.lower().replace(" ", "") if display == "bse" or display == "pattern": self.plotHomog = self.plotPattern binSize = self.patScale else: self.plotHomog = self.plotMaxShear binSize = 1 # Call set homog points from base class setting the bin size super(type(self), self).setHomogPoint(binSize=binSize, points=points, **kwargs)
[docs] def linkEbsdMap(self, ebsdMap, transformType="affine", **kwargs): """Calculates the transformation required to align EBSD dataset to DIC. Parameters ---------- ebsdMap : defdap.ebsd.Map EBSD map object to link. transformType : str, optional affine, piecewiseAffine or polynomial. kwargs All arguments are passed to `estimate` method of the transform. """ self.ebsdMap = ebsdMap calc_inv = False if transformType.lower() == "piecewiseaffine": self.ebsdTransform = tf.PiecewiseAffineTransform() elif transformType.lower() == "projective": self.ebsdTransform = tf.ProjectiveTransform() elif transformType.lower() == "polynomial": calc_inv = True self.ebsdTransform = tf.PolynomialTransform() self.ebsdTransformInv = tf.PolynomialTransform() else: # default to using affine self.ebsdTransform = tf.AffineTransform() # calculate transform from EBSD to DIC frame self.ebsdTransform.estimate( np.array(self.homogPoints), np.array(self.ebsdMap.homogPoints), **kwargs ) # Calculate inverse if required if calc_inv: self.ebsdTransformInv.estimate( np.array(self.ebsdMap.homogPoints), np.array(self.homogPoints), **kwargs ) else: self.ebsdTransformInv = self.ebsdTransform.inverse
[docs] def checkEbsdLinked(self): """Check if an EBSD map has been linked. Returns ---------- bool Returns True if EBSD map linked. Raises ---------- Exception If EBSD map not linked. """ if self.ebsdMap is None: raise Exception("No EBSD map linked.") return True
[docs] def warpToDicFrame(self, mapData, cropImage=True, order=1, preserve_range=False): """Warps a map to the DIC frame. Parameters ---------- mapData : numpy.ndarray Data to warp. cropImage : bool, optional Crop to size of DIC map if true. order : int, optional Order of interpolation (0: Nearest-neighbor, 1: Bi-linear...). preserve_range: bool, optional Keep the original range of values. Returns ---------- numpy.ndarray Map (i.e. EBSD map data) warped to the DIC frame. """ # Check a EBSD map is linked self.checkEbsdLinked() if (cropImage or type(self.ebsdTransform) is not tf.AffineTransform): # crop to size of DIC map outputShape = (self.yDim, self.xDim) # warp the map warpedMap = tf.warp( mapData, self.ebsdTransform, output_shape=outputShape, order=order, preserve_range=preserve_range ) else: # copy ebsd transform and change translation to give an extra # 5% border to show the entire image after rotation/shearing tempEbsdTransform = tf.AffineTransform(matrix=np.copy(self.ebsdTransform.params)) tempEbsdTransform.params[0:2, 2] = -0.05 * np.array(mapData.shape) # output the entire warped image with 5% border (add some # extra to fix a bug) outputShape = np.array(mapData.shape) * 1.4 / tempEbsdTransform.scale # warp the map warpedMap = tf.warp( mapData, tempEbsdTransform, output_shape=outputShape.astype(int), order=order, preserve_range=preserve_range ) return warpedMap
[docs] def warp_lines_to_dic_frame(self, lines): """Warp a set of lines to the DIC reference frame. Parameters ---------- lines : list of tuples Lines to warp. Each line is represented as a tuple of start and end coordinates (x, y). Returns ------- list of tuples List of warped lines with same representation as input. """ # Flatten to coord list lines = np.array(lines).reshape(-1, 2) # Transform & reshape back lines = self.ebsdTransformInv(lines).reshape(-1, 2, 2) # Round to nearest lines = np.round(lines - 0.5) + 0.5 lines = [(tuple(l[0]), tuple(l[1])) for l in lines] return lines
@property def boundaries(self): """Returns EBSD map grain boundaries warped to DIC frame. """ # Check a EBSD map is linked self.checkEbsdLinked() # image is returned cropped if a piecewise transform is being used boundaries = self.ebsdMap.boundaries boundaries = self.warpToDicFrame( -boundaries.astype(float), cropImage=False ) boundaries = boundaries > 0.1 boundaries = mph.skeletonize(boundaries) boundaries = mph.remove_small_objects( boundaries, min_size=10, connectivity=2 ) # crop image if it is a simple affine transform if type(self.ebsdTransform) is tf.AffineTransform: # need to apply the translation of ebsd transform and # remove 5% border crop = np.copy(self.ebsdTransform.params[0:2, 2]) crop += 0.05 * np.array(self.ebsdMap.boundaries.shape) # the crop is defined in EBSD coords so need to transform it transformMatrix = np.copy(self.ebsdTransform.params[0:2, 0:2]) crop = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(transformMatrix), crop) crop = crop.round().astype(int) boundaries = boundaries[crop[1]:crop[1] + self.yDim, crop[0]:crop[0] + self.xDim] return -boundaries.astype(int) @property def boundaryLines(self): return self.warp_lines_to_dic_frame(self.ebsdMap.boundaryLines) @property def phaseBoundaryLines(self): return self.warp_lines_to_dic_frame(self.ebsdMap.phaseBoundaryLines)
[docs] def generateThresholdMask(self, mask, dilation=0, preview=True): """ Generate a dilated mask, based on a boolean array and previews the appication of this mask to the max shear map. Parameters ---------- mask: numpy.array(bool) A boolean array where points to be removed are True dilation: int, optional Number of pixels to dilate the mask by. Useful to remove anomalous points around masked values. No dilation applied if not specified. preview: bool If true, show the mask and preview the masked effective shear strain map. Examples ---------- To remove data points in dicMap where eMaxShear is above 0.8, use: >>> mask = dicMap.eMaxShear > 0.8 To remove data points in dicMap where e11 is above 1 or less than -1, use: >>> mask = (dicMap.e11 > 1) | (dicMap.e11 < -1) To remove data points in dicMap where corrVal is less than 0.4, use: >>> mask = dicMap.corrVal < 0.4 Note: correlation value data needs to be loaded seperately from the DIC map, see :func:`defdap.hrdic.loadCorrValData` """ self.mask = mask if dilation != 0: self.mask = binary_dilation(self.mask, iterations=dilation) numRemoved = np.sum(self.mask) numTotal = self.xdim * self.ydim numRemovedCrop = np.sum(self.crop(self.mask)) numTotalCrop = self.xDim * self.yDim print('Filtering will remove {0} \ {1} ({2:.3f} %) datapoints in map' .format(numRemoved, numTotal, (numRemoved / numTotal) * 100)) print( 'Filtering will remove {0} \ {1} ({2:.3f} %) datapoints in cropped map' .format(numRemovedCrop, numTotalCrop, (numRemovedCrop / numTotalCrop * 100))) if preview == True: plot1 = MapPlot.create(self, self.crop(self.mask), cmap='binary') plot1.setTitle('Removed datapoints in black') plot2 = MapPlot.create(self, self.crop( np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.eMaxShear)), plotColourBar='True', clabel="Effective shear strain") plot2.setTitle('Effective shear strain preview') print( 'Use applyThresholdMask function to apply this filtering to data')
[docs] def applyThresholdMask(self): """ Apply mask to all DIC map data by setting masked values to nan. """ self.eMaxShear = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.eMaxShear) self.e11 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.e11) self.e12 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.e12) self.e22 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.e22) self.f11 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.f11) self.f12 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.f12) self.f22 = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.f22) self.x_map = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.x_map) self.y_map = np.where(self.mask == True, np.nan, self.y_map) self.component = {'f11': self.f11, 'f12': self.f12, 'f21': self.f21, 'f22': self.f22, 'e11': self.e11, 'e12': self.e12, 'e22': self.e22, 'eMaxShear': self.eMaxShear, 'x_map': self.x_map, 'y_map': self.y_map}
[docs] def setPatternPath(self, filePath, windowSize): """Set the path to the image of the pattern. Parameters ---------- filePath : str Path to image. windowSize : float Size of pixel in pattern image relative to pixel size of DIC data i.e 1 means they are the same size and 2 means the pixels in the pattern are half the size of the dic data. """ self.patternImPath = self.path + filePath self.patScale = windowSize
[docs] def plotPattern(self, **kwargs): """Plot BSE image of Map. For use with setting homog points. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'cmap': 'gray' } try: plotParams['scale'] = self.scale / self.patScale * 1e-6 except(ValueError): pass plotParams.update(kwargs) # Check image path is set if self.patternImPath is None: raise Exception("First set path to pattern image.") bseImage = imread(self.patternImPath) bseImage = self.crop(bseImage, binned=False) plot = MapPlot.create(self, bseImage, **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def plotMap(self, component, **kwargs): """Plot a map from the DIC data. Parameters ---------- component Map component to plot i.e. e11, f11, eMaxShear. kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot containing map. """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': component } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = MapPlot.create(self, self.crop(self.component[component]), **plotParams) return plot
[docs] def plotMaxShear(self, **kwargs): """Plot a map of maximum shear strain. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.hrdic.plotMap`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot containing map. """ params = { 'clabel': 'Effective Shear Strain' } params.update(kwargs) plot = self.plotMap('eMaxShear', **params) return plot
[docs] def plotGrainAvMaxShear(self, **kwargs): """Plot grain map with grains filled with average value of max shear. This uses the max shear values stored in grain objects, to plot other data use :func:`~defdap.hrdic.Map.plotGrainAv`. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.base.Map.plotGrainDataMap`. """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'clabel': "Effective shear strain" } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = self.plotGrainDataMap( mapData=self.crop(self.eMaxShear), **plotParams ) return plot
[docs] @reportProgress("finding grains") def findGrains(self, algorithm=None, minGrainSize=10): """Finds grains in the DIC map. Parameters ---------- algorithm : str {'warp', 'floodfill'} Use floodfill or warp algorithm. minGrainSize : int Minimum grain area in pixels for floodfill algorithm. """ # Check a EBSD map is linked self.checkEbsdLinked() if algorithm is None: algorithm = defaults['hrdic_grain_finding_method'] if algorithm == 'warp': # Warp EBSD grain map to DIC frame self.grains = self.warpToDicFrame(self.ebsdMap.grains, cropImage=True, order=0, preserve_range=True) # Find all unique values (these are the EBSD grain IDs in the DIC area, sorted) self.ebsdGrainIds = np.array([int(i) for i in np.unique(self.grains) if i>0]) # Make a new list of sequential IDs of same length as number of grains dicGrainIds = np.arange(1, len(self.ebsdGrainIds)+1) # Map the EBSD IDs to the DIC IDs (keep the same mapping for values <= 0) negVals = np.array([i for i in np.unique(self.grains) if i<=0]) old = np.concatenate((negVals, self.ebsdGrainIds)) new = np.concatenate((negVals, dicGrainIds)) index = np.digitize(self.grains.ravel(), old, right=True) self.grains = new[index].reshape(self.grains.shape) self.grainList = [] for i, (dicGrainId, ebsdGrainId) in enumerate(zip(dicGrainIds, self.ebsdGrainIds)): yield i / len(dicGrainIds) # Report progress # Make grain object currentGrain = Grain(grainID=dicGrainId, dicMap=self) # Find (x,y) coordinates and corresponding max shears of grain coords = np.argwhere(self.grains == dicGrainId) # (y,x) currentGrain.coordList = np.flip(coords, axis=1) # (x,y) currentGrain.maxShearList = self.eMaxShear[coords[:,0]+ self.cropDists[1, 0], coords[:,1]+ self.cropDists[0, 0]] # Assign EBSD grain ID to DIC grain and increment grain list currentGrain.ebsdGrainId = ebsdGrainId - 1 currentGrain.ebsdGrain = self.ebsdMap.grainList[ebsdGrainId - 1] currentGrain.ebsdMap = self.ebsdMap self.grainList.append(currentGrain) elif algorithm == 'floodfill': # Initialise the grain map self.grains = np.copy(self.boundaries) self.grainList = [] # List of points where no grain has been set yet points_left = self.grains == 0 total_points = points_left.sum() found_point = 0 next_point = points_left.tobytes().find(b'\x01') # Start counter for grains grainIndex = 1 # Loop until all points (except boundaries) have been assigned # to a grain or ignored i = 0 while found_point >= 0: # Flood fill first unknown point and return grain object idx = np.unravel_index(next_point, self.grains.shape) currentGrain = self.floodFill(idx[1], idx[0], grainIndex, points_left) if len(currentGrain) < minGrainSize: # if grain size less than minimum, ignore grain and set # values in grain map to -2 for coord in currentGrain.coordList: self.grains[coord[1], coord[0]] = -2 else: # add grain to list and increment grain index self.grainList.append(currentGrain) grainIndex += 1 # find next search point points_left_sub = points_left.reshape(-1)[next_point + 1:] found_point = points_left_sub.tobytes().find(b'\x01') next_point += found_point + 1 # report progress i += 1 if i == defaults['find_grain_report_freq']: yield 1. - points_left_sub.sum() / total_points i = 0 # Now link grains to those in ebsd Map # Warp DIC grain map to EBSD frame dicGrains = self.grains warpedDicGrains = tf.warp( np.ascontiguousarray(dicGrains.astype(float)), self.ebsdTransformInv, output_shape=(self.ebsdMap.yDim, self.ebsdMap.xDim), order=0 ).astype(int) # Initialise list to store ID of corresponding grain in EBSD map. # Also stored in grain objects self.ebsdGrainIds = [] for i in range(len(self)): # Find grain by masking the native ebsd grain image with # selected grain from the warped dic grain image. The modal # value is the EBSD grain label. modeId, _ = mode(self.ebsdMap.grains[warpedDicGrains == i + 1]) ebsd_grain_idx = modeId[0] - 1 self.ebsdGrainIds.append(ebsd_grain_idx) self[i].ebsdGrainId = ebsd_grain_idx self[i].ebsdGrain = self.ebsdMap[ebsd_grain_idx] self[i].ebsdMap = self.ebsdMap else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown grain finding algorithm '{algorithm}'.")
[docs] def floodFill(self, x, y, grainIndex, points_left): """Flood fill algorithm that uses the combined x and y boundary array to fill a connected area around the seed point. The points are inserted into a grain object and the grain map array is updated. Parameters ---------- x : int Seed point x for flood fill y : int Seed point y for flood fill grainIndex : int Value to fill in grain map points_left : numpy.ndarray Boolean map of the points that have not been assigned a grain yet Returns ------- currentGrain : defdap.hrdic.Grain New grain object with points added """ # create new grain currentGrain = Grain(grainIndex - 1, self) # add first point to the grain currentGrain.addPoint((x, y), self.eMaxShear[y + self.cropDists[1, 0], x + self.cropDists[0, 0]]) self.grains[y, x] = grainIndex points_left[y, x] = False edge = [(x, y)] while edge: x, y = edge.pop(0) moves = [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)] # get rid of any that go out of the map area if x <= 0: moves.pop(1) elif x >= self.xDim - 1: moves.pop(0) if y <= 0: moves.pop(-1) elif y >= self.yDim - 1: moves.pop(-2) for (s, t) in moves: addPoint = False if self.grains[t, s] == 0: addPoint = True edge.append((s, t)) elif self.grains[t, s] == -1 and (s > x or t > y): addPoint = True if addPoint: currentGrain.addPoint( (s, t), self.eMaxShear[t + self.cropDists[1, 0], s + self.cropDists[0, 0]] ) self.grains[t, s] = grainIndex points_left[t, s] = False return currentGrain
[docs] def runGrainInspector(self, vmax=0.1, corrAngle=0): """Run the grain inspector interactive tool. Parameters ---------- vmax : float Maximum value of the colour map. corrAngle: float Correction angle in degrees to subtract from measured angles to account for small rotation between DIC and EBSD frames. Approximately the rotation component of affine transform. """ GrainInspector(currMap=self, vmax=vmax, corrAngle=corrAngle)
[docs]class Grain(base.Grain): """ Class to encapsulate DIC grain data and useful analysis and plotting methods. Attributes ---------- dicMap : defdap.hrdic.Map DIC map this grain is a member of ownerMap : defdap.hrdic.Map DIC map this grain is a member of maxShearList : list List of maximum shear values for grain. ebsdGrain : defdap.ebsd.Grain EBSD grain ID that this DIC grain corresponds to. ebsdMap : defdap.ebsd.Map EBSD map that this DIC grain belongs to. pointsList : numpy.ndarray Start and end points for lines drawn using defdap.inspector.GrainInspector. groupsList : Groups, angles and slip systems detected for lines drawn using defdap.inspector.GrainInspector. """ def __init__(self, grainID, dicMap): # Call base class constructor super(Grain, self).__init__(grainID, dicMap) self.dicMap = self.ownerMap # DIC map this grain is a member of self.maxShearList = [] self.ebsdGrain = None self.ebsdMap = None self.pointsList = [] # Lines drawn for STA self.groupsList = [] # Unique angles drawn for STA @property def plotDefault(self): return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.plotMaxShear( plotColourBar=True, plotScaleBar=True, plotSlipTraces=True, plotSlipBands=True, *args, **kwargs ) # coord is a tuple (x, y)
[docs] def addPoint(self, coord, maxShear): self.coordList.append(coord) self.maxShearList.append(maxShear)
[docs] def plotMaxShear(self, **kwargs): """Plot a maximum shear map for a grain. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.base.plotGrainData`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.GrainPlot """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'plotColourBar': True, 'clabel': "Effective shear strain" } plotParams.update(kwargs) plot = self.plotGrainData(grainData=self.maxShearList, **plotParams) return plot
@property def refOri(self): """Returns average grain orientation. Returns ------- defdap.quat.Quat """ return self.ebsdGrain.refOri @property def slipTraces(self): """Returns list of slip trace angles based on EBSD grain orientation. Returns ------- list """ return self.ebsdGrain.slipTraces
[docs] def calcSlipTraces(self, slipSystems=None): """Calculates list of slip trace angles based on EBSD grain orientation. Parameters ------- slipSystems : defdap.crystal.SlipSystem, optional """ self.ebsdGrain.calcSlipTraces(slipSystems=slipSystems)
[docs] def calcSlipBands(self, grainMapData, thres=None, min_dist=None): """Use Radon transform to detect slip band angles. Parameters ---------- grainMapData : numpy.ndarray Data to find bands in. thres : float, optional Normalised threshold for peaks. min_dist : int, optional Minimum angle between bands. Returns ---------- list(float) Detected slip band angles """ if thres is None: thres = 0.3 if min_dist is None: min_dist = 30 grainMapData = np.nan_to_num(grainMapData) if grainMapData.min() < 0: print("Negative values in data, taking absolute value.") # grainMapData = grainMapData**2 grainMapData = np.abs(grainMapData) suppGMD = np.zeros(grainMapData.shape) #array to hold shape / support of grain suppGMD[grainMapData!=0]=1 sin_map = tf.radon(grainMapData, circle=False) #profile = np.max(sin_map, axis=0) # old method supp_map = tf.radon(suppGMD, circle=False) supp_1 = np.zeros(supp_map.shape) supp_1[supp_map>0]=1 mindiam = np.min(np.sum(supp_1, axis=0), axis=0) # minimum diameter of grain crop_map = np.zeros(sin_map.shape) # only consider radon rays that cut grain with mindiam*2/3 or more, and scale by length of the cut crop_map[supp_map>mindiam*2/3] = sin_map[supp_map>mindiam*2/3]/supp_map[supp_map>mindiam*2/3] supp_crop = np.zeros(crop_map.shape) supp_crop[crop_map>0] = 1 profile = np.sum(crop_map**4, axis=0) / np.sum(supp_crop, axis=0) # raise to power to accentuate local peaks x = np.arange(180) # indexes = peakutils.indexes(profile, thres=thres, min_dist=min_dist, thres_abs=False) indexes = peakutils.indexes(profile, thres=thres, min_dist=min_dist) peaks = x[indexes] # peaks = peakutils.interpolate(x, profile, ind=indexes) print("Number of bands detected: {:}".format(len(peaks))) slipBandAngles = peaks slipBandAngles = slipBandAngles * np.pi / 180 return slipBandAngles