Source code for defdap.plotting

# Copyright 2021 Mechanics of Microstructures Group
#    at The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.widgets import Button, TextBox
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter

from skimage import morphology as mph

from defdap import defaults
from defdap import quat
# TODO: add plot parameter to add to current figure

[docs]class Plot(object): """ Class used for creating and manipulating plots. """ def __init__(self, ax=None, axParams={}, fig=None, makeInteractive=False, title=None, **kwargs): self.interactive = makeInteractive if makeInteractive: if fig is not None and ax is not None: self.fig = fig = ax else: # self.fig, = plt.subplots(**kwargs) self.fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) = self.fig.add_subplot(111, **axParams) self.btnStore = [] self.txtStore = [] self.txtBoxStore = [] self.p1=[];self.p2=[]; else: self.fig = fig # TODO: flag for new figure if ax is None: self.fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) = self.fig.add_subplot(111, **axParams) else: = ax self.colourBar = None self.arrow = None if title is not None: self.setTitle(title)
[docs] def checkInteractive(self): """Checks if current plot is interactive. Raises ------- Exception If plot is not interactive """ if not self.interactive: raise Exception("Plot must be interactive")
[docs] def addEventHandler(self, eventName, eventHandler): self.checkInteractive() self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect(eventName, lambda e: eventHandler(e, self))
[docs] def addAxes(self, loc, proj='2d'): """Add axis to current plot Parameters ---------- loc Location of axis. proj : str, {2d, 3d} 2D or 3D projection. Returns ------- matplotlib.Axes.axes """ if proj == '2d': return self.fig.add_axes(loc) if proj == '3d': return Axes3D(self.fig, rect=loc, proj_type='ortho', azim=270, elev=90)
[docs] def addButton(self, label, clickHandler, loc=(0.8, 0.0, 0.1, 0.07), **kwargs): """Add a button to the plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for the button. clickHandler Click handler to assign. loc : list(float), len 4 Left, bottom, width, height. kwargs All other arguments passed to :class:`matplotlib.widgets.Button`. """ self.checkInteractive() btnAx = self.fig.add_axes(loc) btn = Button(btnAx, label, **kwargs) btn.on_clicked(lambda e: clickHandler(e, self)) self.btnStore.append(btn)
[docs] def addTextBox(self, label, submitHandler=None, changeHandler=None, loc=(0.8, 0.0, 0.1, 0.07), **kwargs): """Add a text box to the plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for the button. submitHandler Submit handler to assign. loc : list(float), len 4 Left, bottom, width, height. kwargs All other arguments passed to :class:`matplotlib.widgets.TextBox`. Returns ------- matplotlotlib.widgets.TextBox """ self.checkInteractive() txtBoxAx = self.fig.add_axes(loc) txtBox = TextBox(txtBoxAx, label, **kwargs) if submitHandler != None: txtBox.on_submit(lambda e: submitHandler(e, self)) if changeHandler != None: txtBox.on_text_change(lambda e: changeHandler(e, self)) self.txtBoxStore.append(txtBox) return txtBox
[docs] def addText(self, ax, x, y, txt, **kwargs): """Add text to the plot. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on. x : float x position. y : float y position. txt : str Text to write onto the plot. kwargs : All other arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.text`. """ txt = ax.text(x, y, txt, **kwargs) self.txtStore.append(txt)
[docs] def addArrow(self, startEnd, persistent=False, clearPrev=True, label=None): """Add arrow to grain plot. Parameters ---------- startEnd: 4-tuple Starting (x, y), Ending (x, y). persistent : If persistent, do not clear arrow with clearPrev. clearPrev : Clear all non-persistent arrows. label Label to place near arrow. """ arrowParams = { 'xy': startEnd[0:2], # Arrow start coordinates 'xycoords': 'data', 'xytext': startEnd[2:4], # Arrow end coordinates 'textcoords': 'data', 'arrowprops': dict(arrowstyle="<-", connectionstyle="arc3", color='red', alpha=0.7, linewidth=2, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0) } # If persisent, add the arrow onto the plot directly if persistent:"", **arrowParams) # If not persistent, save a reference so that it can be removed later if not persistent: if clearPrev and (self.arrow is not None): self.arrow.remove() if None not in startEnd: self.arrow ="", **arrowParams) # Add a label if specified if label is not None:, xy=startEnd[2:4], xycoords='data', xytext=(15, 15), textcoords='offset pixels', c='red', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
[docs] def setSize(self, size): """Set size of plot. Parameters ---------- size : float, float Width and height in inches. """ self.fig.set_size_inches(size[0], size[1], forward=True)
[docs] def setTitle(self, txt): """Set title of plot. Parameters ---------- txt : str Title to set. """ if self.fig.canvas.manager is not None: self.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(txt)
[docs] def lineSlice(self, event, plot, action=None): """ Catch click and drag then draw an arrow. Parameters ---------- event : Click event. plot : defdap.plotting.Plot Plot to capture clicks from. action Further action to perform. Examples ---------- To use, add a click and release event handler to your plot, pointing to this function: >>> plot.addEventHandler('button_press_event',lambda e, p: lineSlice(e, p)) >>> plot.addEventHandler('button_release_event', lambda e, p: lineSlice(e, p)) """ # check if click was on the map if event.inaxes is not return if == 'button_press_event': self.p1 = (event.xdata, event.ydata) # save 1st point elif == 'button_release_event': self.p2 = (event.xdata, event.ydata) # save 2nd point self.addArrow(startEnd=(self.p1[0], self.p1[1], self.p2[0], self.p2[1])) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() if action is not None: action(plot=self, startEnd=(self.p1[0], self.p1[1], self.p2[0], self.p2[1]))
@property def exists(self): self.checkInteractive() return plt.fignum_exists(self.fig.number)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear plot. """ self.checkInteractive() if self.colourBar is not None: self.colourBar.remove() self.draw()
[docs] def draw(self): """Draw plot """ self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs]class MapPlot(Plot): """ Class for creating a map plot. """ def __init__(self, callingMap, fig=None, ax=None, axParams={}, makeInteractive=False, **kwargs): """Initialise a map plot. Parameters ---------- callingMap : Map DIC or EBSD map which called this plot. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on axParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. makeInteractive : bool, optional If true, make interactive kwargs Other arguments passed to :class:`defdap.plotting.Plot`. """ super(MapPlot, self).__init__( ax, axParams=axParams, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **kwargs ) self.callingMap = callingMap self.imgLayers = [] self.highlightsLayerID = None self.pointsLayerIDs = [][])[])
[docs] def addMap(self, mapData, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='viridis', **kwargs): """Add a map to a plot. Parameters ---------- mapData : numpy.ndarray Map data to plot. vmin : float Minimum value for the colour scale. vmax : float Maximum value for the colour scale. cmap Colour map. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns ------- matplotlib.image.AxesImage """ img =, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='None', cmap=cmap, **kwargs) self.draw() self.imgLayers.append(img) return img
[docs] def addColourBar(self, label, layer=0, **kwargs): """Add a colour bar to plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for the colour bar. layer : int Layer ID. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. """ img = self.imgLayers[layer] self.colourBar = plt.colorbar(img,, label=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def addScaleBar(self, scale=None): """Add scale bar to plot. Parameters ---------- scale : float Size of a pixel in microns. """ if scale is None: scale = self.callingMap.scale * 1e-6
[docs] def addGrainBoundaries(self, kind="pixel", boundaries=None, colour=None, dilate=False, draw=True, **kwargs): """Add grain boundaries to the plot. Parameters ---------- kind : str, {"pixel", "line"} Type of boundaries to plot, either a boundary image or a collection of line segments. boundaries : various, optional Boundaries to plot, either a boundary image or a list of pairs of coordinates representing the start and end of each boundary segment. If not provided the boundaries are loaded from the calling map. colour : various One of: - Colour of all boundaries as a string (only option pixel kind) - Colour of all boundaries as RGBA tuple - List of values to represent colour of each line relative to a `norm` and `cmap` dilate : bool If true, dilate the grain boundaries. kwargs If line kind then other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.collections.LineCollection`. Returns ------- Various : matplotlib.image.AxesImage if type is pixel """ if colour is None: colour = "white" if kind == "line": if isinstance(colour, str): colour = mpl.colors.to_rgba(colour) boundary_lines = boundaries if boundary_lines is None: boundary_lines = self.callingMap.boundaryLines if len(colour) == len(boundary_lines): colour_array = colour colour_lc = None elif len(colour) == 4: colour_array = None colour_lc = colour else: ValueError('Issue with passed colour') boundary_lines = boundaries if boundary_lines is None: boundary_lines = self.callingMap.boundaryLines lc = LineCollection(boundary_lines, colors=colour_lc, **kwargs) lc.set_array(colour_array) img = else: boundariesImage = boundaries if boundariesImage is None: boundariesImage = self.callingMap.boundaries boundariesImage = -boundariesImage if dilate: boundariesImage = mph.binary_dilation(boundariesImage) # create colourmap for boundaries going from transparent to # opaque of the given colour boundariesCmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'my_cmap', ['white', colour], 256 ) boundariesCmap._init() boundariesCmap._lut[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1, boundariesCmap.N + 3) img =, cmap=boundariesCmap, interpolation='None', vmin=0, vmax=1) if draw: self.draw() self.imgLayers.append(img) return img
[docs] def addGrainHighlights(self, grainIds, grainColours=None, alpha=None, newLayer=False): """Highlight grains in the plot. Parameters ---------- grainIds : list List of grain IDs to highlight. grainColours : Colour to use for grain highlight. alpha : float Alpha (transparency) to use for grain highlight. newLayer : bool If true, make a new layer in imgLayers. Returns ------- matplotlib.image.AxesImage """ if grainColours is None: grainColours = ['white'] if alpha is None: alpha = self.callingMap.highlightAlpha outline = np.zeros(self.callingMap.shape, dtype=int) for i, grainId in enumerate(grainIds, start=1): if i > len(grainColours): i = len(grainColours) # outline of highlighted grain grain = self.callingMap.grainList[grainId] grainOutline = grain.grainOutline(bg=0, fg=i) x0, y0, xmax, ymax = grain.extremeCoords # add to highlight image outline[y0:ymax + 1, x0:xmax + 1] += grainOutline # Custom colour map where 0 is transparent white for bg and # then a patch for each grain colour grainColours.insert(0, 'white') hightlightsCmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(grainColours) hightlightsCmap._init() alphaMap = np.full(hightlightsCmap.N + 3, alpha) alphaMap[0] = 0 hightlightsCmap._lut[:, -1] = alphaMap if self.highlightsLayerID is None or newLayer: img =, interpolation='none', cmap=hightlightsCmap) if self.highlightsLayerID is None: self.highlightsLayerID = len(self.imgLayers) self.imgLayers.append(img) else: img = self.imgLayers[self.highlightsLayerID] img.set_data(outline) img.set_cmap(hightlightsCmap) img.autoscale() self.draw() return img
[docs] def addGrainNumbers(self, fontsize=10, **kwargs): """Add grain numbers to a map. Parameters ---------- fontsize : float Font size. kwargs Pass other arguments to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.text`. """ for grainID, grain in enumerate(self.callingMap): xCentre, yCentre = grain.centreCoords(centreType="com", grainCoords=False), yCentre, grainID, fontsize=fontsize, **kwargs) self.draw()
[docs] def addLegend(self, values, labels, layer=0, **kwargs): """Add a legend to a map. Parameters ---------- values : list Values to find colour patched for. labels : list Labels to assign to values. layer : int Image layer to generate legend for. kwargs Pass other arguments to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. """ # Find colour values for given values img = self.imgLayers[layer] colors = [img.cmap(img.norm(value)) for value in values] # Get colour patches for each phase and make legend patches = [mpl.patches.Patch( color=colors[i], label=labels[i] ) for i in range(len(values))], **kwargs)
[docs] def addPoints(self, x, y, updateLayer=None, **kwargs): """Add points to plot. Parameters ---------- x : float x coordinate. y : float y coordinate. updateLayer : int, optional Layer to place points on kwargs Other arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. """ x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y) if len(self.pointsLayerIDs) == 0 or updateLayer is None: points =, y, **kwargs) self.pointsLayerIDs.append(len(self.imgLayers)) self.imgLayers.append(points) else: points = self.imgLayers[self.pointsLayerIDs[updateLayer]] points.set_offsets(np.hstack((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis]))) self.draw() return points
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, callingMap, mapData, fig=None, figParams={}, ax=None, axParams={}, plot=None, makeInteractive=False, plotColourBar=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, clabel="", plotGBs=False, dilateBoundaries=False, boundaryColour=None, plotScaleBar=False, scale=None, highlightGrains=None, highlightColours=None, highlightAlpha=None, **kwargs ): """Create a plot for a map. Parameters ---------- callingMap : base.Map DIC or EBSD map which called this plot. mapData : numpy.ndarray Data to be plotted. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on. figParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on. axParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. plot : defdap.plotting.Plot If none, use current plot. makeInteractive : If true, make plot interactive plotColourBar : bool If true, plot a colour bar next to the map. vmin : float, optional Minimum value for the colour scale. vmax : float, optional Maximum value for the colour scale. cmap : str Colour map. clabel : str Label for the colour bar. plotGBs : bool If true, plot the grain boundaries on the map. dilateBoundaries : bool If true, dilate the grain boundaries. boundaryColour : str Colour to use for the grain boundaries. plotScaleBar : bool If true, plot a scale bar in the map. scale : float Size of pizel in microns. highlightGrains : list(int) List of grain IDs to highlight. highlightColours : str Colour to hightlight grains. highlightAlpha : float Alpha (transparency) by which to highlight grains. kwargs : All other arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.addMap` Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ if plot is None: plot = cls(callingMap, fig=fig, ax=ax, axParams=axParams, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **figParams) if mapData is not None: plot.addMap(mapData, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) if plotColourBar: plot.addColourBar(clabel) if plotGBs: plot.addGrainBoundaries( colour=boundaryColour, dilate=dilateBoundaries, kind=plotGBs ) if highlightGrains is not None: plot.addGrainHighlights( highlightGrains, grainColours=highlightColours, alpha=highlightAlpha ) if plotScaleBar: plot.addScaleBar(scale=scale) return plot
[docs]class GrainPlot(Plot): """ Class for creating a map for a grain. """ def __init__(self, callingGrain, fig=None, ax=None, axParams={}, makeInteractive=False, **kwargs): super(GrainPlot, self).__init__( ax, axParams=axParams, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **kwargs ) self.callingGrain = callingGrain self.imgLayers = [][])[])
[docs] def addMap(self, mapData, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='viridis', **kwargs): """Add a map to a grain plot. Parameters ---------- mapData : numpy.ndarray Grain data to plot vmin : float Minimum value for the colour scale. vmax : float Maximum value for the colour scale. cmap Colour map to use. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns ------- matplotlib.image.AxesImage """ img =, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='None', cmap=cmap, **kwargs) self.draw() self.imgLayers.append(img) return img
[docs] def addColourBar(self, label, layer=0, **kwargs): """Add colour bar to grain plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label to add to colour bar. layer : int Layer on which to add colourbar. kwargs Other arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. """ img = self.imgLayers[layer] self.colourBar = plt.colorbar(img,, label=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def addScaleBar(self, scale=None): """Add scale bar to grain plot. Parameters ---------- scale : float Size of pixel in micron. """ if scale is None: scale = self.callingGrain.ownerMap.scale * 1e-6
[docs] def addTraces(self, angles, colours, topOnly=False, pos=None, **kwargs): """Add slip trace angles to grain plot. Illustrated by lines crossing through central pivot point to create a circle. Parameters ---------- angles : list Angles of slip traces. colours : list Colours to plot. topOnly : bool, optional If true, plot only a semi-circle instead of a circle. pos : tuple Position of slip traces. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` """ if pos is None: pos = self.callingGrain.centreCoords() traces = np.array((-np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))) # When plotting top half only, move all 'traces' to +ve y # and set the pivot to be in the tail instead of centre if topOnly: pivot = 'tail' for idx, (x,y) in enumerate(zip(traces[0], traces[1])): if x < 0 and y < 0: traces[0][idx] *= -1 traces[1][idx] *= -1[1]-0.001, pos[1]+0.1)[0]-0.1, pos[0]+0.1) else: pivot = 'middle' for i, trace in enumerate(traces.T): colour = colours[len(colours) - 1] if i >= len(colours) else colours[i] pos[0], pos[1], trace[0], trace[1], scale=1, pivot=pivot, color=colour, headwidth=1, headlength=0, **kwargs ) self.draw()
[docs] def addSlipTraces(self, topOnly=False, colours=None, pos=None, **kwargs): """Add slip traces to plot, based on the calling grain's slip systems. Parameters ---------- colours : list Colours to plot. topOnly : bool, optional If true, plot only a semi-circle instead of a circle. pos : tuple Position of slip traces. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` """ if colours is None: colours = self.callingGrain.ebsdGrain.phase.slipTraceColours slipTraceAngles = self.callingGrain.slipTraces self.addTraces(slipTraceAngles, colours, topOnly, pos=pos, **kwargs)
[docs] def addSlipBands(self, topOnly=False, grainMapData=None, angles=None, pos=None, thres=None, min_dist=None, **kwargs): """Add lines representing slip bands detected by Radon transform in :func:`~defdap.hrdic.grain.calcSlipBands`. Parameters ---------- topOnly : bool, optional If true, plot only a semi-circle instead of a circle. grainMapData : Map data to pass to :func:`~defdap.hrdic.Grain.calcSlipBands`. angles : list(float), optional List of angles to plot, otherwise, use angles detected in :func:`~defdap.hrdic.Grain.calcSlipBands`. pos : tuple Position in which to plot slip traces. thres : float Threshold to use in :func:`~defdap.hrdic.Grain.calcSlipBands`. min_dist : Minimum angle between bands in :func:`~defdap.hrdic.Grain.calcSlipBands`. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver`. """ if angles is None: slipBandAngles = self.callingGrain.calcSlipBands(grainMapData, thres=thres, min_dist=min_dist) else: slipBandAngles = angles self.addTraces(slipBandAngles, ["black"], topOnly, pos=pos, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, callingGrain, mapData, fig=None, figParams={}, ax=None, axParams={}, plot=None, makeInteractive=False, plotColourBar=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, clabel="", plotScaleBar=False, scale=None, plotSlipTraces=False, plotSlipBands=False, **kwargs ): """Create grain plot. Parameters ---------- callingGrain : base.Grain DIC or EBSD grain which called this plot. mapData : Data to be plotted. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on. figParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on. axParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. plot : defdap.plotting.Plot If none, use current plot. makeInteractive : If true, make plot interactive plotColourBar : bool If true, plot a colour bar next to the map. vmin : float Minimum value for the colour scale. vmax : float Maximum value for the colour scale. cmap : Colour map. clabel : str Label for the colour bar. plotScaleBar : bool If true, plot a scale bar in the map. scale : float Size of pizel in microns. plotSlipTraces : bool If true, plot slip traces with :func:`~defdap.plotting.GrainPlot.addSlipTraces` plotSlipBands : bool If true, plot slip traces with :func:`~defdap.plotting.GrainPlot.addSlipBands` kwargs : All other arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.GrainPlot.addMap` Returns ------- defdap.plotting.GrainPlot """ if plot is None: plot = cls(callingGrain, fig=fig, ax=ax, axParams=axParams, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **figParams) plot.addMap(mapData, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) if plotColourBar: plot.addColourBar(clabel) if plotScaleBar: plot.addScaleBar(scale=scale) if plotSlipTraces: plot.addSlipTraces() if plotSlipBands: plot.addSlipBands(grainMapData=mapData) return plot
[docs]class PolePlot(Plot): """ Class for creating an inverse pole figure plot. """ def __init__(self, plotType, crystalSym, projection=None, fig=None, ax=None, axParams={}, makeInteractive=False, **kwargs): super(PolePlot, self).__init__( ax, axParams=axParams, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **kwargs) self.plotType = plotType self.crystalSym = crystalSym self.projection = self._validateProjection(projection) self.imgLayers = [] self.addAxis()
[docs] def addAxis(self): """Draw axes on the IPF based on crystal symmetry. Raises ------- NotImplementedError If a crystal type other than 'cubic' or 'hexagonal' are selected. """ if self.plotType == "IPF" and self.crystalSym == "cubic": # line between [001] and [111] self.addLine([0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], c='k', lw=2) # line between [001] and [101] self.addLine([0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], c='k', lw=2) # line between [101] and [111] self.addLine([1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], c='k', lw=2) # label poles self.labelPoint([0, 0, 1], '001', padY=-0.005, va='top', ha='center', fontsize=12) self.labelPoint([1, 0, 1], '101', padY=-0.005, va='top', ha='center', fontsize=12) self.labelPoint([1, 1, 1], '111', padY=0.005, va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=12) elif self.plotType == "IPF" and self.crystalSym == "hexagonal": # line between [0001] and [10-10] ([001] and [210]) # converted to cubic axes self.addLine([0, 0, 1], [np.sqrt(3), 1, 0], c='k', lw=2) # line between [0001] and [2-1-10] ([001] and [100]) self.addLine([0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], c='k', lw=2) # line between [2-1-10] and [10-10] ([100] and [210]) self.addLine([1, 0, 0], [np.sqrt(3), 1, 0], c='k', lw=2) # label poles self.labelPoint([0, 0, 1], '0001', padY=-0.012, va='top', ha='center', fontsize=12) self.labelPoint([1, 0, 0], r'$2\bar{1}\bar{1}0$', padY=-0.012, va='top', ha='center', fontsize=12) self.labelPoint([np.sqrt(3), 1, 0], r'$10\bar{1}0$', padY=0.009, va='bottom', ha='center', fontsize=12) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only works for cubic and hexagonal.")'equal')'off')
[docs] def addLine(self, startPoint, endPoint, plotSyms=False, res=100, **kwargs): """Draw lines on the IPF plot. Parameters ---------- startPoint : numpy.ndarray Start point in crystal coordinates (i.e. [0,0,1]). endPoint : numpy.ndarray End point in crystal coordinates, (i.e. [1,0,0]). plotSyms : bool, optional If true, plot all symmetrically equivelant points. res : int Number of points within each line to plot. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ lines = [(startPoint, endPoint)] if plotSyms: for symm in quat.Quat.symEqv(self.crystalSym)[1:]: startPointSymm = symm.transformVector(startPoint).astype(int) endPointSymm = symm.transformVector(endPoint).astype(int) if startPointSymm[2] < 0: startPointSymm *= -1 if endPointSymm[2] < 0: endPointSymm *= -1 lines.append((startPointSymm, endPointSymm)) linePoints = np.zeros((3, res), dtype=float) for line in lines: for i in range(3): if line[0][i] == line[1][i]: linePoints[i] = np.full(res, line[0][i]) else: linePoints[i] = np.linspace(line[0][i], line[1][i], res) xp, yp = self.projection(linePoints[0], linePoints[1], linePoints[2]), yp, **kwargs)
[docs] def labelPoint(self, point, label, padX=0, padY=0, **kwargs): """Place a label near a coordinate in the pole plot. Parameters ---------- point : tuple (x, y) coordinate to place text. label : str Text to use in label. padX : int, optional Pad added to x coordinate. padY : int, optional Pad added to y coordinate. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`. """ xp, yp = self.projection(*point) + padX, yp + padY, label, **kwargs)
[docs] def addPoints(self, alphaAng, betaAng, markerColour=None, markerSize=None, **kwargs): """Add a point to the pole plot. Parameters ---------- alphaAng Inclination angle to plot. betaAng Azimuthal angle (around z axis from x in anticlockwise as per ISO) to plot. markerColour : str or list(str), optional Colour of marker. If two specified, then the point will have two semicircles of different colour. markerSize : float Size of marker. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`. Raises ------- Exception If more than two colours are specified """ # project onto equatorial plane xp, yp = self.projection(alphaAng, betaAng) # plot poles # plot markers with 'half and half' colour if type(markerColour) is str: markerColour = [markerColour] if markerColour is None: points =, yp, **kwargs) self.imgLayers.append(points) elif len(markerColour) == 2: pos = (xp, yp) r1 = 0.5 r2 = r1 + 0.5 markerSize = np.sqrt(markerSize) x = [0] + np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * r1, 10)).tolist() y = [0] + np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * r1, 10)).tolist() xy1 = list(zip(x, y)) x = [0] + np.cos(np.linspace(2 * np.pi * r1, 2 * np.pi * r2, 10)).tolist() y = [0] + np.sin(np.linspace(2 * np.pi * r1, 2 * np.pi * r2, 10)).tolist() xy2 = list(zip(x, y)) points = pos[0], pos[1], marker=(xy1, 0), s=markerSize, c=markerColour[0], **kwargs ) self.imgLayers.append(points) points = pos[0], pos[1], marker=(xy2, 0), s=markerSize, c=markerColour[1], **kwargs ) self.imgLayers.append(points) else: raise Exception("specify one colour for solid markers or list two for 'half and half'")
[docs] def addColourBar(self, label, layer=0, **kwargs): """Add a colour bar to the pole plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label to place next to colour bar. layer : int Layer number to add the colour bar to. kwargs Other argument are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`. """ img = self.imgLayers[layer] self.colourBar = plt.colorbar(img,, label=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def addLegend(self, label='Grain area (μm$^2$)', number=6, layer=0, scaling=1, **kwargs): """Add a marker size legend to the pole plot. Parameters ---------- label : str Label to place next to legend. number : Number of markers to plot in legend. layer : int Layer number to add the colour bar to. scaling : float Scaling applied to the data. kwargs Other argument are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`. """ img = self.imgLayers[layer] self.legend = plt.legend(*img.legend_elements("sizes", num=number, func=lambda s: s / scaling), title=label, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _validateProjection(projectionIn, validateDefault=False): if validateDefault: defaultProjection = None else: defaultProjection = PolePlot._validateProjection( defaults['pole_projection'], validateDefault=True ) if projectionIn is None: projection = defaultProjection elif type(projectionIn) is str: projectionName = projectionIn.replace(" ", "").lower() if projectionName in ["lambert", "equalarea"]: projection = PolePlot.lambertProject elif projectionName in ["stereographic", "stereo", "equalangle"]: projection = PolePlot.stereoProject else: print("Unknown projection name, using default") projection = defaultProjection elif callable(projectionIn): projection = projectionIn else: print("Unknown projection, using default") projection = defaultProjection if projection is None: raise ValueError("Problem with default projection.") return projection
[docs] @staticmethod def stereoProject(*args): """Stereographic projection of pole direction or pair of polar angles. Parameters ---------- args : numpy.ndarray, len 2 or 3 2 arguments for polar angles or 3 arguments for pole directions. Returns ------- float, float x coordinate, y coordinate Raises ------- Exception If input array has incorrect length """ if len(args) == 3: alpha, beta = quat.Quat.polarAngles(args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif len(args) == 2: alpha, beta = args else: raise Exception("3 arguments for pole directions and 2 for polar angles.") alphaComp = np.tan(alpha / 2) xp = alphaComp * np.cos(beta) yp = alphaComp * np.sin(beta) return xp, yp
[docs] @staticmethod def lambertProject(*args): """Lambert Projection of pole direction or pair of polar angles. Parameters ---------- args : numpy.ndarray, len 2 or 3 2 arguments for polar angles or 3 arguments for pole directions. Returns ------- float, float x coordinate, y coordinate Raises ------- Exception If input array has incorrect length """ if len(args) == 3: alpha, beta = quat.Quat.polarAngles(args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif len(args) == 2: alpha, beta = args else: raise Exception("3 arguments for pole directions and 2 for polar angles.") alphaComp = np.sqrt(2 * (1 - np.cos(alpha))) xp = alphaComp * np.cos(beta) yp = alphaComp * np.sin(beta) return xp, yp
[docs]class HistPlot(Plot): """ Class for creating a histogram. """ def __init__(self, plotType = "scatter", axesType="linear", density=True, fig=None, ax=None, axParams={}, makeInteractive=False, **kwargs): """Initialise a histogram plot Parameters ---------- plotType: str, {'scatter', 'bar', 'step'} Type of plot to use axesType : str, {'linear', 'logx', 'logy', 'loglog', 'None'}, optional If 'log' is specified, logarithmic scale is used. density : If true, histogram is normalised such that the integral sums to 1. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on. axParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. makeInteractive : bool If true, make the plot interactive. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :class:`defdap.plotting.Plot` """ super(HistPlot, self).__init__( ax, axParams=axParams, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **kwargs ) axesType = axesType.lower() if axesType in ["linear", "logy", "logx", "loglog"]: self.axesType = axesType else: raise ValueError("plotType must be linear or log.") if plotType in ['scatter', 'bar', 'step']: self.plotType = plotType else: raise ValueError("plotType must be scatter, bar or step.") self.density = bool(density) # set y-axis label yLabel = "Normalised frequency" if self.density else "Frequency" # set axes to linear or log as appropriate and set to be numbers as opposed to scientific notation if self.axesType == 'logx' or self.axesType == 'loglog':"log") y, _: '{:.5g}'.format(y))) if self.axesType == 'logy' or self.axesType == 'loglog':"log") y, _: '{:.5g}'.format(y)))
[docs] def addHist(self, histData, bins=100, range=None, line='o', label=None, **kwargs): """Add a histogram to the current plot Parameters ---------- histData : numpy.ndarray Data to be used in the histogram. bins : int Number of bins to use for histogram. range : tuple or None, optional The lower and upper range of the bins line : str, optional Marker or line type to be used. label : str, optional Label to use for data (used for legend). kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`numpy.histogram` """ # Generate the x bins with appropriate spaceing for linear or log if self.axesType == 'logx' or self.axesType == 'loglog': binList = np.logspace(np.log10(range[0]), np.log10(range[1]), bins) else: binList = np.linspace(range[0], range[1], bins) if self.plotType == 'scatter': # Generate the histogram data and plot as a scatter plot hist = np.histogram(histData.flatten(), bins=binList, density=self.density) yVals = hist[0] xVals = 0.5 * (hist[1][1:] + hist[1][:-1]), yVals, line, label=label, **kwargs) else: # Plot as a matplotlib histogram,bins=binList, histtype=self.plotType, density=self.density, label=label, **kwargs)
[docs] def addLegend(self, **kwargs): """Add legend to histogram. Parameters ---------- kwargs All arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`. """**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, histData, fig=None, figParams={}, ax=None, axParams={}, plot=None, makeInteractive=False, plotType = "scatter", axesType="linear", density=True, bins=10, range=None, line='o', label=None, **kwargs ): """Create a histogram plot. Parameters ---------- histData : numpy.ndarray Data to be used in the histogram. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Matplotlib figure to plot on. figParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axis to plot on. axParams : Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. plot : defdap.plotting.HistPlot Plot where histgram is created. If none, a new plot is created. makeInteractive : bool, optional If true, make plot interactive. plotType: str, {'scatter', 'bar', 'barfilled', 'step'} Type of plot to use axesType : str, {'linear', 'logx', 'logy', 'loglog', 'None'}, optional If 'log' is specified, logarithmic scale is used. density : If true, histogram is normalised such that the integral sums to 1. bins : int Number of bins to use for histogram. range : tuple or None, optional The lower and upper range of the bins line : str, optional Marker or line type to be used. label : str, optional Label to use for data (is used for legend). kwargs Other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.HistPlot.addHist` Returns ------- defdap.plotting.HistPlot """ if plot is None: plot = cls(axesType=axesType, plotType=plotType, density=density, fig=fig, ax=ax, axParams=axParams, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **figParams) plot.addHist(histData, bins=bins, range=range, line=line, label=label, **kwargs) return plot
[docs]class CrystalPlot(Plot): """ Class for creating a 3D plot for plotting unit cells. """ def __init__(self, fig=None, ax=None, axParams={}, makeInteractive=False, **kwargs): """Initialise a 3D plot. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Figure to plot to. ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axis Axis to plot to. axParams Passed to defdap.plotting.Plot as axParams. makeInteractive : bool, optional If true, make plot interactive. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :class:`defdap.plotting.Plot`. """ # Set default plot parameters then update with input figParams = { 'figsize': (6, 6) } figParams.update(kwargs) axParamsDefault = { 'projection': '3d', 'proj_type': 'ortho' } axParamsDefault.update(axParams) axParams = axParamsDefault super(CrystalPlot, self).__init__( ax, axParams=axParams, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive, **figParams )
[docs] def addVerts(self, verts, **kwargs): """Plots planes, defined by the vertices provided. Parameters ---------- verts : list List of vertices. kwargs Other arguments are passed to :class:`matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`. """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = { 'alpha': 0.6, 'facecolor': '0.8', 'linewidths': 3, 'edgecolor': 'k' } plotParams.update(kwargs) # Add list of planes defined by given vertices to the 3D plot pc = Poly3DCollection(verts, **plotParams)