Source code for defdap.quat

# Copyright 2021 Mechanics of Microstructures Group
#    at The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np

from defdap import plotting

from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Optional

[docs]class Quat(object): """Class used to define and perform operations on quaternions. These are interpreted in the passive sense. """ __slots__ = ['quatCoef'] def __init__(self, *args, allow_southern: Optional[bool] = False) -> None: """ Construct a Quat object from 4 quat coefficients or an array of quat coefficients. Parameters ---------- *args Variable length argument list. allow_southern if False, move quat to northern hemisphere. """ # construct with array of quat coefficients if len(args) == 1: if len(args[0]) != 4: raise TypeError("Arrays input must have 4 elements") self.quatCoef = np.array(args[0], dtype=float) # construct with quat coefficients elif len(args) == 4: self.quatCoef = np.array(args, dtype=float) else: raise TypeError("Incorrect argument length. Input should be " "an array of quat coefficients or idividual " "quat coefficients") # move to northern hemisphere if not allow_southern and self.quatCoef[0] < 0: self.quatCoef = self.quatCoef * -1
[docs] @classmethod def fromEulerAngles(cls, ph1: float, phi: float, ph2: float) -> 'Quat': """Create a quat object from 3 Bunge euler angles. Parameters ---------- ph1 First Euler angle, rotation around Z in radians. phi Second Euler angle, rotation around new X in radians. ph2 Third Euler angle, rotation around new Z in radians. Returns ------- defdap.quat.Quat Initialised Quat object. """ # calculate quat coefficients quatCoef = np.array([ np.cos(phi / 2.0) * np.cos((ph1 + ph2) / 2.0), -np.sin(phi / 2.0) * np.cos((ph1 - ph2) / 2.0), -np.sin(phi / 2.0) * np.sin((ph1 - ph2) / 2.0), -np.cos(phi / 2.0) * np.sin((ph1 + ph2) / 2.0) ], dtype=float) # call constructor return cls(quatCoef)
[docs] @classmethod def fromAxisAngle(cls, axis: np.ndarray, angle: float) -> 'Quat': """Create a quat object from a rotation around an axis. This creates a quaternion to represent the passive rotation (-ve axis). Parameters ---------- axis Axis that the rotation is applied around. angle Magnitude of rotation in radians. Returns ------- defdap.quat.Quat Initialised Quat object. """ # normalise the axis vector axis = np.array(axis) axis = axis / np.sqrt(, axis)) # calculate quat coefficients quatCoef = np.zeros(4, dtype=float) quatCoef[0] = np.cos(angle / 2) quatCoef[1:4] = -np.sin(angle / 2) * axis # call constructor return cls(quatCoef)
[docs] def eulerAngles(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the Euler angle representation for this rotation. Returns ------- eulers : numpy.ndarray, shape 3 Bunge euler angles (in radians). References ---------- Melcher A. et al., 'Conversion of EBSD data by a quaternion based algorithm to be used for grain structure simulations', Technische Mechanik, 30(4)401 – 413 Rowenhorst D. et al., 'Consistent representations of and conversions between 3D rotations', Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 23(8) """ eulers = np.empty(3, dtype=float) q = self.quatCoef q03 = q[0]**2 + q[3]**2 q12 = q[1]**2 + q[2]**2 chi = np.sqrt(q03 * q12) if chi == 0 and q12 == 0: eulers[0] = np.arctan2(-2 * q[0] * q[3], q[0]**2 - q[3]**2) eulers[1] = 0 eulers[2] = 0 elif chi == 0 and q03 == 0: eulers[0] = np.arctan2(2 * q[1] * q[2], q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) eulers[1] = np.pi eulers[2] = 0 else: cosPh1 = (-q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]) / chi sinPh1 = (-q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]) / chi cosPhi = q[0]**2 + q[3]**2 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2 sinPhi = 2 * chi cosPh2 = (-q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) / chi sinPh2 = (q[1] * q[3] + q[0] * q[2]) / chi eulers[0] = np.arctan2(sinPh1, cosPh1) eulers[1] = np.arctan2(sinPhi, cosPhi) eulers[2] = np.arctan2(sinPh2, cosPh2) if eulers[0] < 0: eulers[0] += 2 * np.pi if eulers[2] < 0: eulers[2] += 2 * np.pi return eulers
[docs] def rotMatrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the rotation matrix representation for this rotation. Returns ------- rotMatrix : numpy.ndarray, shape (3, 3) Rotation matrix. References ---------- Melcher A. et al., 'Conversion of EBSD data by a quaternion based algorithm to be used for grain structure simulations', Technische Mechanik, 30(4)401 – 413 Rowenhorst D. et al., 'Consistent representations of and conversions between 3D rotations', Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 23(8) """ rotMatrix = np.empty((3, 3), dtype=float) q = self.quatCoef qbar = q[0]**2 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2 rotMatrix[0, 0] = qbar + 2 * q[1]**2 rotMatrix[0, 1] = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) rotMatrix[0, 2] = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] + q[0] * q[2]) rotMatrix[1, 0] = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]) rotMatrix[1, 1] = qbar + 2 * q[2]**2 rotMatrix[1, 2] = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]) rotMatrix[2, 0] = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) rotMatrix[2, 1] = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]) rotMatrix[2, 2] = qbar + 2 * q[3]**2 return rotMatrix
# show components when the quat is printed def __repr__(self) -> str: return "[{:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(*self.quatCoef) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def __eq__(self, right: 'Quat') -> bool: return (isinstance(right, type(self)) and self.quatCoef.tolist() == right.quatCoef.tolist()) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(tuple(self.quatCoef.tolist())) def _plotIPF( self, direction: np.ndarray, symGroup: str, **kwargs ) -> 'plotting.PolePlot': Quat.plotIPF([self], direction, symGroup, **kwargs) # overload * operator for quaternion product and vector product def __mul__(self, right: 'Quat', allow_southern: bool = False) -> 'Quat': if isinstance(right, type(self)): # another quat newQuatCoef = np.zeros(4, dtype=float) newQuatCoef[0] = ( self.quatCoef[0] * right.quatCoef[0] -[1:4], right.quatCoef[1:4]) ) newQuatCoef[1:4] = ( self.quatCoef[0] * right.quatCoef[1:4] + right.quatCoef[0] * self.quatCoef[1:4] + np.cross(self.quatCoef[1:4], right.quatCoef[1:4]) ) return Quat(newQuatCoef, allow_southern=allow_southern) raise TypeError("{:} - {:}".format(type(self), type(right)))
[docs] def dot(self, right: 'Quat') -> float: """ Calculate dot product between two quaternions. Parameters ---------- right Right hand quaternion. Returns ------- float Dot product. """ if isinstance(right, type(self)): return, right.quatCoef) raise TypeError()
# overload + operator def __add__(self, right: 'Quat') -> 'Quat': if isinstance(right, type(self)): return Quat(self.quatCoef + right.quatCoef) raise TypeError() # overload += operator def __iadd__(self, right: 'Quat') -> 'Quat': if isinstance(right, type(self)): self.quatCoef += right.quatCoef return self raise TypeError() # allow array like setting/getting of components def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> float: return self.quatCoef[key] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: float) -> None: self.quatCoef[key] = value
[docs] def norm(self) -> float: """Calculate the norm of the quaternion. Returns ------- float Norm of the quaternion. """ return np.sqrt([0:4], self.quatCoef[0:4]))
[docs] def normalise(self) -> 'Quat': """ Normalise the quaternion (turn it into an unit quaternion). Returns ------- defdap.quat.Quat Normalised quaternion. """ self.quatCoef /= self.norm() return
# also the inverse if this is a unit quaternion @property def conjugate(self) -> 'Quat': """Calculate the conjugate of the quaternion. Returns ------- defdap.quat.Quat Conjugate of quaternion. """ return Quat(self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3])
[docs] def transformVector( self, vector: Union[Tuple, List, np.ndarray] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Transforms vector by the quaternion. For passive EBSD quaterions this is a transformation from sample space to crystal space. Perform on conjugate of quaternion for crystal to sample. For a quaternion representing a passive rotation from CS1 to CS2 and a fixed vector V defined in CS1, this gives the coordinates of V in CS2. Parameters ---------- vector : numpy.ndarray, shape 3 or equivalent Vector to transform. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape 3 Transformed vector. """ if not isinstance(vector, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): raise TypeError("Vector must be a tuple, list or numpy array.") if np.array(vector).shape != (3,): raise TypeError("Vector must be length 3.") vectorQuat = Quat(0, *vector) vectorQuatTransformed = self.__mul__( vectorQuat.__mul__(self.conjugate, allow_southern=True), allow_southern=True ) return vectorQuatTransformed.quatCoef[1:4]
[docs] def misOri( self, right: 'Quat', symGroup: str, returnQuat: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Tuple[float, 'Quat']: """ Calculate misorientation angle between 2 orientations taking into account the symmetries of the crystal structure. Angle is 2*arccos(output). Parameters ---------- right Orientation to find misorientation to. symGroup Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). returnQuat What to return: 0 for minimum misorientation, 1 for symmetric equivalent with minimum misorientation, 2 for both. Returns ------- float Minimum misorientation. defdap.quat.Quat Symmetric equivalent orientation with minimum misorientation. """ if isinstance(right, type(self)): # looking for max of this as it is cos of misorientation angle minMisOri = 0 # loop over symmetrically equivalent orientations for sym in Quat.symEqv(symGroup): quatSym = sym * right currentMisOri = abs( if currentMisOri > minMisOri: # keep if misorientation lower minMisOri = currentMisOri minQuatSym = quatSym if returnQuat == 1: return minQuatSym elif returnQuat == 2: return minMisOri, minQuatSym else: return minMisOri raise TypeError("Input must be a quaternion.")
[docs] def misOriAxis(self, right: 'Quat') -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate misorientation axis between 2 orientations. This does not consider symmetries of the crystal structure. Parameters ---------- right : defdap.quat.Quat Orientation to find misorientation axis to. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape 3 Axis of misorientation. """ if isinstance(right, type(self)): Dq = right * self.conjugate Dq = Dq.quatCoef misOriAxis = 2 * Dq[1:4] * np.arccos(Dq[0]) / np.sqrt(1 - Dq[0]**2) return misOriAxis raise TypeError("Input must be a quaternion.")
[docs] def plotIPF( self, direction: np.ndarray, symGroup: str, projection: Optional[str] = None, plot: Optional['plotting.Plot'] = None, fig: Optional['matplotlib.figure.Figure'] = None, ax: Optional['matplotlib.axes.Axes'] = None, plotColourBar: Optional[bool] = False, clabel: Optional[str] = "", makeInteractive: Optional[bool] = False, markerColour: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, markerSize: Optional[float] = 40, **kwargs ) -> 'plotting.PolePlot': """ Plot IPF of orientation, with relation to specified sample direction. Parameters ---------- direction Sample reference direction for IPF. symGroup Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). projection Projection to use. Either string (stereographic or lambert) or a function. plot Defdap plot to plot on. fig Figure to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. ax Axis to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. makeInteractive If true, make the plot interactive. plotColourBar : bool If true, plot a colour bar next to the map. clabel : str Label for the colour bar. markerColour: str or list of str Colour of markers (only used for half and half colouring, otherwise use argument c). markerSize Size of markers (only used for half and half colouring, otherwise use argument s). kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.PolePlot.addPoints`. """ plotParams = {'marker': '+'} plotParams.update(kwargs) # Works as an instance or static method on a list of Quats if isinstance(self, Quat): quats = [self] else: quats = self alphaFund, betaFund = Quat.calcFundDirs(quats, direction, symGroup) if plot is None: plot = plotting.PolePlot( "IPF", symGroup, projection=projection, ax=ax, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive ) plot.addPoints( alphaFund, betaFund, markerColour=markerColour, markerSize=markerSize, **plotParams ) if plotColourBar: plot.addColourBar(clabel) return plot
[docs] def plotUnitCell( self, crystalStructure: 'defdap.crystal.CrystalStructure', OI: Optional[bool] = True, plot: Optional['plotting.CrystalPlot'] = None, fig: Optional['matplotlib.figure.Figure'] = None, ax: Optional['matplotlib.axes.Axes'] = None, makeInteractive: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ) -> 'plotting.CrystalPlot': """Plots a unit cell. Parameters ---------- crystalStructure Crystal structure. OI True if using oxford instruments system. plot Plot object to plot to. fig Figure to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. ax Axis to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. makeInteractive True to make the plot interactive. kwargs All other arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.CrystalPlot.addVerts`. """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plotParams = {} plotParams.update(kwargs) # TODO: most of this should be moved to either the crystal or # plotting module vert = crystalStructure.vertices faces = crystalStructure.faces if == 'hexagonal': szFac = 0.18 if OI: # Add 30 degrees to phi2 for OI eulerAngles = self.eulerAngles() eulerAngles[2] += np.pi / 6 gg = Quat.fromEulerAngles(*eulerAngles).rotMatrix().T else: gg = self.rotMatrix().T elif == 'cubic': szFac = 0.25 gg = self.rotMatrix().T # Rotate the lattice cell points pts = np.matmul(gg, vert.T).T * szFac # Plot unit cell planes = [] for face in faces: planes.append(pts[face, :]) if plot is None: plot = plotting.CrystalPlot( ax=ax, fig=fig, makeInteractive=makeInteractive ), 0.15), 0.15), 0.15), elev=90) = False plot.addVerts(planes, **plotParams) return plot
# Static methods
[docs] @staticmethod def createManyQuats(eulerArray: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Create a an array of quats from an array of Euler angles. Parameters ---------- eulerArray Array of Bunge Euler angles of shape 3 x n x ... x m. Returns ------- quats : numpy.ndarray(defdap.quat.Quat) Array of quat objects of shape n x ... x m. """ ph1 = eulerArray[0] phi = eulerArray[1] ph2 = eulerArray[2] oriShape = eulerArray.shape[1:] quatComps = np.zeros((4,) + oriShape, dtype=float) quatComps[0] = np.cos(phi / 2.0) * np.cos((ph1 + ph2) / 2.0) quatComps[1] = -np.sin(phi / 2.0) * np.cos((ph1 - ph2) / 2.0) quatComps[2] = -np.sin(phi / 2.0) * np.sin((ph1 - ph2) / 2.0) quatComps[3] = -np.cos(phi / 2.0) * np.sin((ph1 + ph2) / 2.0) quats = np.empty(oriShape, dtype=Quat) for i, idx in enumerate(np.ndindex(oriShape)): quats[idx] = Quat(quatComps[(slice(None),) + idx]) return quats
[docs] @staticmethod def multiplyManyQuats(quats: List['Quat'], right: 'Quat') -> List['Quat']: """ Multiply all quats in a list of quats, by a single quat. Parameters ---------- quats List of quats to be operated on. right Single quaternion to multiply with the list of quats. Returns ------- list(defdap.quat.Quat) """ quatArray = np.array([q.quatCoef for q in quats]) tempArray = np.zeros((len(quatArray),4), dtype=float) tempArray[...,0] = ((quatArray[...,0] * right.quatCoef[0]) -[...,1:4], right.quatCoef[1:4])) tempArray[...,1:4] = ((quatArray[...,0,None] * right.quatCoef[None,1:4]) + (right.quatCoef[0] * quatArray[...,1:4]) + np.cross(quatArray[...,1:4], right.quatCoef[1:4])) return [Quat(coefs) for coefs in tempArray]
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_quat_comps(quats: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Return a NumPy array of the provided quaternion components Input quaternions may be given as a list of Quat objects or any iterable whose items have 4 components which map to the quaternion. Parameters ---------- quats : numpy.ndarray(defdap.quat.Quat) A list of Quat objects to return the components of Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of quaternion components, shape (4, ..) """ quats = np.array(quats) quat_comps = np.empty((4,) + quats.shape) for idx in np.ndindex(quats.shape): quat_comps[(slice(None),) + idx] = quats[idx].quatCoef return quat_comps
[docs] @staticmethod def calcSymEqvs( quats: np.ndarray, symGroup: str, dtype: Optional[type] = float ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate all symmetrically equivalent quaternions of given quaternions. Parameters ---------- quats : numpy.ndarray(defdap.quat.Quat) Array of quat objects. symGroup Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). dtype Data type used for calculation, defaults to `float`. Returns ------- quatComps: numpy.ndarray, shape: (numSym x 4 x numQuats) Array containing all symmetrically equivalent quaternion components of input quaternions. """ syms = Quat.symEqv(symGroup) quatComps = np.empty((len(syms), 4, len(quats)), dtype=dtype) # store quat components in array quatComps[0] = Quat.extract_quat_comps(quats) # calculate symmetrical equivalents for i, sym in enumerate(syms[1:], start=1): # sym[i] * quat for all points (* is quaternion product) quatComps[i, 0, :] = ( quatComps[0, 0, :] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1, :] * sym[1] - quatComps[0, 2, :] * sym[2] - quatComps[0, 3, :] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 1, :] = ( quatComps[0, 0, :] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1, :] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 2, :] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3, :] * sym[2]) quatComps[i, 2, :] = ( quatComps[0, 0, :] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2, :] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 3, :] * sym[1] + quatComps[0, 1, :] * sym[3]) quatComps[i, 3, :] = ( quatComps[0, 0, :] * sym[3] + quatComps[0, 3, :] * sym[0] - quatComps[0, 1, :] * sym[2] + quatComps[0, 2, :] * sym[1]) # swap into positive hemisphere if required quatComps[i, :, quatComps[i, 0, :] < 0] *= -1 return quatComps
[docs] @staticmethod def calcAverageOri( quatComps: np.ndarray ) -> 'Quat': """Calculate the average orientation of given quats. Parameters ---------- quatComps : numpy.ndarray Array containing all symmetrically equivalent quaternion components of given quaternions (shape: numSym x 4 x numQuats), can be calculated with :func:`Quat.calcSymEqvs`. Returns ------- avOri : defdap.quat.Quat Average orientation of input quaternions. """ avOri = np.copy(quatComps[0, :, 0]) currMisOris = np.empty(quatComps.shape[0]) for i in range(1, quatComps.shape[2]): # calculate misorientation between current average and all # symmetrical equivalents. Dot product of each symm quat in # quatComps with refOri for point i currMisOris[:] = abs(np.einsum( "ij,j->i", quatComps[:, :, i], avOri )) # find min misorientation with current average then add to it maxIdx = np.argmax(currMisOris[:]) avOri += quatComps[maxIdx, :, i] # Convert components back to a quat and normalise avOri = Quat(avOri) avOri.normalise() return avOri
[docs] @staticmethod def calcMisOri( quatComps: np.ndarray, refOri: 'Quat' ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, 'Quat']: """Calculate the misorientation between the quaternions and a reference quaternion. Parameters ---------- quatComps Array containing all symmetrically equivalent quaternion components of given quaternions (shape: numSym x 4 x numQuats), can be calculated from quats with :func:`Quat.calcSymEqvs` . refOri Reference orientation. Returns ------- minMisOris : numpy.ndarray, len numQuats Minimum misorientation between quats and reference orientation. minQuatComps : defdap.quat.Quat Quaternion components describing minimum misorientation between quats and reference orientation. """ misOris = np.empty((quatComps.shape[0], quatComps.shape[2])) # Dot product of each quat in quatComps with refOri misOris[:, :] = abs(np.einsum("ijk,j->ik", quatComps, refOri.quatCoef)) maxIdxs0 = np.argmax(misOris, axis=0) maxIdxs1 = np.arange(misOris.shape[1]) minMisOris = misOris[maxIdxs0, maxIdxs1] minQuatComps = quatComps[maxIdxs0, :, maxIdxs1].transpose() minMisOris[minMisOris > 1] = 1 return minMisOris, minQuatComps
[docs] @staticmethod def polarAngles(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, for an unit vector. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray(float) x coordinate. y : numpy.ndarray(float) y coordinate. z : numpy.ndarray(float) z coordinate. Returns ------- float, float inclination angle and azimuthal angle (around z axis from x in anticlockwise as per ISO). """ mod = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) x = x / mod y = y / mod z = z / mod alpha = np.arccos(z) beta = np.arctan2(y, x) return alpha, beta
[docs] @staticmethod def calcIPFcolours( quats: np.ndarray, direction: np.ndarray, symGroup: str, dtype: Optional[type] = np.float32 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the RGB colours, based on the location of the given quats on the fundamental region of the IPF for the sample direction specified. Parameters ---------- quats : numpy.ndarray(defdap.quat.Quat) Array of quat objects. direction Direction in sample space. symGroup Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). dtype Data type to use for calculation. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape (3, numQuats) Array of rgb colours for each quat. References ------- Stephen Cluff (BYU) - IPF_rgbcalc.m subroutine in OpenXY """ numQuats = len(quats) alphaFund, betaFund = Quat.calcFundDirs( quats, direction, symGroup, dtype=dtype ) # revert to cartesians dirvec = np.empty((3, numQuats), dtype=dtype) dirvec[0, :] = np.sin(alphaFund) * np.cos(betaFund) dirvec[1, :] = np.sin(alphaFund) * np.sin(betaFund) dirvec[2, :] = np.cos(alphaFund) if symGroup == 'cubic': poleDirections = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]/np.sqrt(2), [1, 1, 1]/np.sqrt(3)], dtype=dtype) if symGroup == 'hexagonal': poleDirections = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [np.sqrt(3), 1, 0]/np.sqrt(4), [1, 0, 0]], dtype=dtype) rvect = np.broadcast_to(poleDirections[0].reshape((-1, 1)), (3, numQuats)) gvect = np.broadcast_to(poleDirections[1].reshape((-1, 1)), (3, numQuats)) bvect = np.broadcast_to(poleDirections[2].reshape((-1, 1)), (3, numQuats)) rgb = np.zeros((3, numQuats), dtype=dtype) # Red Component RDirPlane = np.cross(dirvec, rvect, axis=0) GBplane = np.cross(bvect, gvect, axis=0) Rintersect = np.cross(RDirPlane, GBplane, axis=0) NORM = np.linalg.norm(Rintersect, axis=0, keepdims=True) NORM[NORM == 0] = 1 #Prevent division by zero Rintersect /= NORM temp = np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Rintersect), -1, 1)) Rintersect[:, temp > (np.pi / 2)] *= -1 rgb[0, :] = np.divide( np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Rintersect), -1, 1)), np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", rvect, Rintersect), -1, 1)) ) # Green Component GDirPlane = np.cross(dirvec, gvect, axis=0) RBplane = np.cross(rvect, bvect, axis=0) Gintersect = np.cross(GDirPlane, RBplane, axis=0) NORM = np.linalg.norm(Gintersect, axis=0, keepdims=True) NORM[NORM == 0] = 1 #Prevent division by zero Gintersect /= NORM temp = np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Gintersect), -1, 1)) Gintersect[:, temp > (np.pi / 2)] *= -1 rgb[1, :] = np.divide( np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Gintersect), -1, 1)), np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", gvect, Gintersect), -1, 1)) ) # Blue Component BDirPlane = np.cross(dirvec, bvect, axis=0) RGplane = np.cross(gvect, rvect, axis=0) Bintersect = np.cross(BDirPlane, RGplane, axis=0) NORM = np.linalg.norm(Bintersect, axis=0, keepdims=True) NORM[NORM == 0] = 1 #Prevent division by zero Bintersect /= NORM temp = np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Bintersect), -1, 1)) Bintersect[:, temp > (np.pi / 2)] *= -1 rgb[2, :] = np.divide( np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", dirvec, Bintersect), -1, 1)), np.arccos(np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->j", bvect, Bintersect), -1, 1)) ) rgb /= np.amax(rgb, axis=0) return rgb
[docs] @staticmethod def calcFundDirs( quats: np.ndarray, direction: np.ndarray, symGroup: str, dtype: Optional[type] = float ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Transform the sample direction to crystal coords based on the quats and find the ones in the fundamental sector of the IPF. Parameters ---------- quats: array_like(defdap.quat.Quat) Array of quat objects. direction Direction in sample space. symGroup Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). dtype Data type to use for calculation. Returns ------- float, float inclination angle and azimuthal angle (around z axis from x in anticlockwise). """ # convert direction to float array direction = np.array(direction, dtype=dtype) # get array of symmetry operations. shape - (numSym, 4, numQuats) quatCompsSym = Quat.calcSymEqvs(quats, symGroup, dtype=dtype) # array to store crystal directions for all orientations and symmetries directionCrystal = np.empty( (3, quatCompsSym.shape[0], quatCompsSym.shape[2]), dtype=dtype ) # temp variables to use below quatDotVec = (quatCompsSym[:, 1, :] * direction[0] + quatCompsSym[:, 2, :] * direction[1] + quatCompsSym[:, 3, :] * direction[2]) temp = (np.square(quatCompsSym[:, 0, :]) - np.square(quatCompsSym[:, 1, :]) - np.square(quatCompsSym[:, 2, :]) - np.square(quatCompsSym[:, 3, :])) # transform the pole direction to crystal coords for all # orientations and symmetries # (quatCompsSym * vectorQuat) * quatCompsSym.conjugate directionCrystal[0, :, :] = ( 2 * quatDotVec * quatCompsSym[:, 1, :] + temp * direction[0] + 2 * quatCompsSym[:, 0, :] * ( quatCompsSym[:, 2, :] * direction[2] - quatCompsSym[:, 3, :] * direction[1] ) ) directionCrystal[1, :, :] = ( 2 * quatDotVec * quatCompsSym[:, 2, :] + temp * direction[1] + 2 * quatCompsSym[:, 0, :] * ( quatCompsSym[:, 3, :] * direction[0] - quatCompsSym[:, 1, :] * direction[2] ) ) directionCrystal[2, :, :] = ( 2 * quatDotVec * quatCompsSym[:, 3, :] + temp * direction[2] + 2 * quatCompsSym[:, 0, :] * ( quatCompsSym[:, 1, :] * direction[1] - quatCompsSym[:, 2, :] * direction[0] ) ) # normalise vectors directionCrystal /= np.sqrt(np.einsum( 'ijk,ijk->jk', directionCrystal, directionCrystal )) # move all vectors into north hemisphere directionCrystal[:, directionCrystal[2, :, :] < 0] *= -1 # convert to spherical coordinates alpha, beta = Quat.polarAngles( directionCrystal[0], directionCrystal[1], directionCrystal[2] ) # find the poles in the fundamental triangle if symGroup == "cubic": # first beta should be between 0 and 45 deg leaving 3 # symmetric equivalents per orientation trialPoles = np.logical_and(beta >= 0, beta <= np.pi / 4) # if less than 3 left need to expand search slighly to # catch edge cases if np.any(np.sum(trialPoles, axis=0) < 3): deltaBeta = 1e-8 trialPoles = np.logical_and(beta >= -deltaBeta, beta <= np.pi / 4 + deltaBeta) # now of symmetric equivalents left we want the one with # minimum alpha min_alpha_idx = np.nanargmin(np.where(trialPoles==False, np.nan, alpha), axis=0) betaFund = beta[min_alpha_idx, np.arange(len(min_alpha_idx))] alphaFund = alpha[min_alpha_idx, np.arange(len(min_alpha_idx))] elif symGroup == "hexagonal": # first beta should be between 0 and 30 deg leaving 1 # symmetric equivalent per orientation trialPoles = np.logical_and(beta >= 0, beta <= np.pi / 6) # if less than 1 left need to expand search slighly to # catch edge cases if np.any(np.sum(trialPoles, axis=0) < 1): deltaBeta = 1e-8 trialPoles = np.logical_and(beta >= -deltaBeta, beta <= np.pi / 6 + deltaBeta) # non-indexed points cause more than 1 symmetric equivalent, use this # to pick one and filter non-indexed points later first_idx = (trialPoles==True).argmax(axis=0) betaFund = beta[first_idx, np.arange(len(first_idx))] alphaFund = alpha[first_idx, np.arange(len(first_idx))] else: raise Exception("symGroup must be cubic or hexagonal") return alphaFund, betaFund
[docs] @staticmethod def symEqv(symGroup: str) -> List['Quat']: """Returns all symmetric equivalents for a given crystal type. LEGACY: move to use symmetries defined in crystal structures Parameters ---------- symGroup : str Crystal type (cubic, hexagonal). Returns ------- list of defdap.quat.Quat Symmetrically equivalent quats. """ # Dirty fix to stop circular dependency from defdap.crystal import crystalStructures try: return crystalStructures[symGroup].symmetries except KeyError: # return just identity if unknown structure return [Quat(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]