defdap.utils module


Decorator for reporting progress of given function


message (str) – Message to display (prefixed by ‘Starting ‘, progress percentage and then ‘Finished ‘


Inspiration from :

class defdap.utils.Datastore(group_id=None, crop_func=None)[source]

Bases: object

Storage of data and metadata, with methods to allow derived data to be calculated only when accessed.


Storage for data and metadata, keyed by data name. Each item is a dict with at least a data key, all other items are metadata, possibly including:

Type of data stored:

map - at least a 2-axis array, trailing axes are spatial


Tensor order of the data


Measurement unit the data is stored in


Dictionary of the default parameters used to plot


dict of dict


Methods to generate derived data, keyed by tuple of data names that the method produces.



static generate_id()[source]

Get the names of all data items. Allows use of **datastore to get key-value pairs, imitating functionality of a dictionary.

add(key, data, **kwargs)[source]

Add an item to the datastore.

  • key (str) – Name of the data.

  • data (any) – Data to store.

  • kwargs (dict) – Key-value pairs stored as the items metadata.

add_generator(keys, func, metadatas=None, **kwargs)[source]

Add a data generator method that produces one or more data.

  • keys (str or tuple of str) – Name(s) of data that the generator produces.

  • func (callable) – Method that produces the data. Should return the same number of values as there are keys.

  • metadatas (list of dict) – Metadata dicts for each of data items produced.

  • kwargs (dict) – Key-value pairs stored as the items metadata for every data item produced.

add_derivative(datastore, derive_func, in_props=None, out_props=None, pass_ref=False)[source]
generate(key, return_val=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generate data from the associated data generation method and store if metadata save is not set to False.


key (str) – Name of the data to generate.

Return type:

Requested data after generating.

update(other, priority=None)[source]

Update with data items stored in other.

  • other (defdap.utils.Datastore) –

  • priority (str) – Which datastore to keep an item from if the same name exists in both. Default is to prioritise other.

get_metadata(key, attr, value=None)[source]

Get metadata value with a default returned if it does not exist. Imitating the get() method of a dictionary.

  • key (str) – Name of the data item.

  • attr (str) – Metadata to get.

  • value (any) – Default value to return if metadata does not exist.

Return type:

Metadata value or the default value.

exception defdap.utils.DataGenerationError[source]

Bases: Exception