Source code for defdap.base

# Copyright 2023 Mechanics of Microstructures Group
#    at The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

import defdap
from defdap.quat import Quat
from defdap import plotting
from defdap.plotting import Plot, MapPlot, GrainPlot

from skimage.measure import profile_line

from defdap.utils import report_progress, Datastore
from defdap.experiment import Frame

[docs]class Map(ABC): """ Base class for a map. Contains common functionality for all maps. Attributes ---------- _grains : list of defdap.base.Grain List of grains. sel_grain : defdap.base.grain The last selected grain """ def __init__(self, file_name, data_type=None, experiment=None, increment=None, frame=None, map_name=None): """ Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path to EBSD file, including name, excluding extension. data_type : str, {'OxfordBinary', 'OxfordText'} Format of EBSD data file. """ = Datastore(crop_func=self.crop) self.frame = frame if frame is not None else Frame() if increment is not None: self.increment = increment self.experiment = self.increment.experiment if experiment is not None: assert self.experiment is experiment else: self.experiment = experiment if experiment is None: self.experiment = defdap.anonymous_experiment self.increment = self.experiment.add_increment() map_name = self.MAPNAME if map_name is None else map_name self.increment.add_map(map_name, self) self.shape = (0, 0) self._grains = None self.sel_grain = None self.proxigram_arr = None self.neighbour_network = None self.grain_plot = None self.profile_plot = None self.file_name = Path(file_name) self.load_data(self.file_name, data_type=data_type) 'proxigram', self.calc_proxigram, unit='', type='map', order=0, cropped=True )
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_data(self, file_name, data_type=None): pass
def __len__(self): return len(self.grains) # allow array like getting of grains def __getitem__(self, key): return self.grains[key] @property def grains(self): # try to access grains image to generate grains if necessary return self._grains @property def x_dim(self): return self.shape[1] @property def y_dim(self): return self.shape[0]
[docs] def crop(self, map_data, **kwargs): return map_data
[docs] def set_homog_point(self, **kwargs): self.frame.set_homog_point(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_grain_numbers(self, dilate_boundaries=False, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot a map with grains numbered. Parameters ---------- dilate_boundaries : bool, optional Set to true to dilate boundaries. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional axis to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.add_grain_numbers` Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot """ plot = plotting.MapPlot(self, ax=ax) plot.add_grain_boundaries(colour='black', dilate=dilate_boundaries) plot.add_grain_numbers(**kwargs) return plot
[docs] def locate_grain(self, click_event=None, display_grain=False, **kwargs): """Interactive plot for identifying grains. Parameters ---------- click_event : optional Click handler to use. display_grain : bool, optional If true, plot slip traces for grain selected by click. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.base.Map.plot_default` """ # reset current selected grain and plot euler map with click handler plot = self.plot_default(make_interactive=True, **kwargs) if click_event is None: # default click handler which highlights grain and prints id plot.add_event_handler( 'button_press_event', lambda e, p: self.click_grain_id(e, p, display_grain) ) else: # click handler loaded in as parameter. Pass current map # object to it. plot.add_event_handler('button_press_event', click_event) return plot
[docs] def click_grain_id(self, event, plot, display_grain): """Event handler to capture clicking on a map. Parameters ---------- event : Click event. plot : defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot to capture clicks from. display_grain : bool If true, plot the selected grain alone in pop-out window. """ # check if click was on the map if event.inaxes is not return # grain id of selected grain grain_id =[int(event.ydata), int(event.xdata)] - 1 if grain_id < 0: return grain = self[grain_id] self.sel_grain = grain print("Grain ID: {}".format(grain_id)) # update the grain highlights layer in the plot plot.add_grain_highlights([grain_id], alpha=self.highlight_alpha) if display_grain: if self.grain_plot is None or not self.grain_plot.exists: self.grain_plot = grain.plot_default(make_interactive=True) else: self.grain_plot.clear() self.grain_plot.calling_grain = grain grain.plot_default(plot=self.grain_plot) self.grain_plot.draw()
[docs] def draw_line_profile(self, **kwargs): """Interactive plot for drawing a line profile of data. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.base.Map.plot_default` """ plot = self.plot_default(make_interactive=True, **kwargs) plot.add_event_handler('button_press_event', plot.line_slice) plot.add_event_handler( 'button_release_event', lambda e, p: plot.line_slice(e, p, action=self.calc_line_profile) ) return plot
[docs] def calc_line_profile(self, plot, start_end, **kwargs): """Calculate and plot the line profile. Parameters ---------- plot : defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot to calculate the line profile for. start_end : array_like Selected points (x0, y0, x1, y1). kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` """ x0, y0 = start_end[0:2] x1, y1 = start_end[2:4] profile_length = np.sqrt((y1 - y0) ** 2 + (x1 - x0) ** 2) # Extract the values along the line zi = profile_line( plot.img_layers[0].get_array(), (start_end[1], start_end[0]), (start_end[3], start_end[2]), mode='nearest' ) xi = np.linspace(0, profile_length, len(zi)) if self.profile_plot is None or not self.profile_plot.exists: self.profile_plot = Plot(make_interactive=True) else: self.profile_plot.clear(), zi, **kwargs)'Distance (pixels)')'Intensity') self.profile_plot.draw()
[docs] @report_progress("constructing neighbour network") def build_neighbour_network(self): """Construct a list of neighbours """ ## TODO: fix HRDIC NN # create network nn = nx.Graph() nn.add_nodes_from(self.grains) y_locs, x_locs = np.nonzero(self.boundaries) total_points = len(x_locs) for i_point, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x_locs, y_locs)): # report progress yield i_point / total_points if (x == 0 or y == 0 or x ==[1] - 1 or y ==[0] - 1): # exclude boundary pixels of map continue # use 4 nearest neighbour points as potential neighbour grains # (this maybe needs changing considering the position of # boundary pixels relative to the actual edges) # use sets as they do not allow duplicate elements # minus 1 on all as the grain image starts labeling at 1 neighbours = {[y + 1, x] - 1,[y - 1, x] - 1,[y, x + 1] - 1,[y, x - 1] - 1 } # neighbours = set(neighbours) # remove boundary points (-2) and points in small # grains (-3) (Normally -1 and -2) neighbours.discard(-2) neighbours.discard(-3) neighbours = tuple(neighbours) num_neigh = len(neighbours) if num_neigh <= 1: continue for i in range(num_neigh): for j in range(i + 1, num_neigh): # Add to network grain = self[neighbours[i]] neigh_grain = self[neighbours[j]] try: # look up boundary nn[grain][neigh_grain] except KeyError: # neighbour relation doesn't exist so add it nn.add_edge(grain, neigh_grain) self.neighbour_network = nn
[docs] def display_neighbours(self, **kwargs): return self.locate_grain( click_event=self.click_grain_neighbours, **kwargs )
[docs] def click_grain_neighbours(self, event, plot): """Event handler to capture clicking and show neighbours of selected grain. Parameters ---------- event : Click event. plot : defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot to monitor. """ # check if click was on the map if event.inaxes is not return # grain id of selected grain grain_id =[int(event.ydata), int(event.xdata)] - 1 if grain_id < 0: return grain = self[grain_id] self.sel_grain = grain # find first and second nearest neighbours first_neighbours = list(self.neighbour_network.neighbors(grain)) highlight_grains = [grain] + first_neighbours second_neighbours = [] for firstNeighbour in first_neighbours: trial_second_neighbours = list( self.neighbour_network.neighbors(firstNeighbour) ) for second_neighbour in trial_second_neighbours: if (second_neighbour not in highlight_grains and second_neighbour not in second_neighbours): second_neighbours.append(second_neighbour) highlight_grains.extend(second_neighbours) highlight_grains = [grain.grain_id for grain in highlight_grains] highlight_colours = ['white'] highlight_colours.extend(['yellow'] * len(first_neighbours)) highlight_colours.append('green') # update the grain highlights layer in the plot plot.add_grain_highlights(highlight_grains, grain_colours=highlight_colours)
@property def proxigram(self): """Proxigram for a map. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Distance from a grain boundary at each point in map. """ self.calc_proxigram(force_calc=False) return self.proxigram_arr
[docs] @report_progress("calculating proxigram") def calc_proxigram(self, num_trials=500): """Calculate distance from a grain boundary at each point in map. Parameters ---------- num_trials : int, optional number of trials. """ # add 0.5 to boundary coordinates as they are placed on the # bottom right edge pixels of grains index_boundaries = [t[::-1] for t in] index_boundaries = np.array(index_boundaries) + 0.5 # array of x and y coordinate of each pixel in the map coords = np.zeros((2,) + self.shape, dtype=float) coords[0], coords[1] = np.meshgrid( range(self.shape[0]), range(self.shape[1]), indexing='ij' ) # array to store trial distance from each boundary point trial_distances = np.full((num_trials + 1,) + self.shape, 1000, dtype=float) # loop over each boundary point (p) and calculate distance from # p to all points in the map store minimum once numTrails have # been made and start a new batch of trials num_boundary_points = len(index_boundaries) j = 1 for i, index_boundary in enumerate(index_boundaries): trial_distances[j] = np.sqrt((coords[0] - index_boundary[0])**2 + (coords[1] - index_boundary[1])**2) if j == num_trials: # find current minimum distances and store trial_distances[0] = trial_distances.min(axis=0) j = 0 # report progress yield i / num_boundary_points j += 1 # find final minimum distances to a boundary return trial_distances.min(axis=0)
def _validate_map(self, map_name): """Check the name exists and is a map data. Parameters ---------- map_name : str """ if map_name not in raise ValueError(f'`{map_name}` does not exist.') if (, 'type') != 'map' or, 'order') is None): raise ValueError(f'`{map_name}` is not a valid map.') def _validate_component(self, map_name, comp): """ Parameters ---------- map_name : str comp : int or tuple of int or str Component of the map data. This is either the tensor component (tuple of ints) or the name of a calculation to be applied e.g. 'norm', 'all_euler' or 'IPF_x'. Returns ------- tuple of int or str """ order =[map_name, 'order'] if comp is None: comp =, 'default_component') if comp is not None: print(f'Using default component: `{comp}`') if comp is None: if order != 0: raise ValueError('`comp` must be specified.') else: return comp if isinstance(comp, int): comp = (comp,) if isinstance(comp, tuple) and len(comp) != order: raise ValueError(f'Component length does not match data, expected ' f'{[map_name, "order"]} values but got ' f'{len(comp)}.') return comp def _extract_component(self, map_data, comp): """Extract a component from the data. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Map data to extract from. comp : tuple of int or str Component of the map data to extract. This is either the tensor component (tuple of ints) or the name of a calculation to be applied e.g. 'norm', 'all_euler' or 'IPF_x'. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ if comp is None: return map_data if isinstance(comp, tuple): return map_data[comp] if isinstance(comp, str): comp = comp.lower() if comp == 'norm': if len(map_data.shape) == 3: axis = 0 elif len(map_data.shape) == 4: axis = (0, 1) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported data for norm.') return np.linalg.norm(map_data, axis=axis) if comp == 'all_euler': return self.calc_euler_colour(map_data) if comp.startswith('ipf'): direction = comp.split('_')[1] direction = { 'x': np.array([1, 0, 0]), 'y': np.array([0, 1, 0]), 'z': np.array([0, 0, 1]), }[direction] return self.calc_ipf_colour(map_data, direction) raise ValueError(f'Invalid component `{comp}`')
[docs] def plot_map(self, map_name, component=None, **kwargs): """Plot a map from the DIC data. Parameters ---------- map_name : str Map data name to plot i.e. e, max_shear, euler_angle, orientation. component : int or tuple of int or str Component of the map data to plot. This is either the tensor component (int or tuple of ints) or the name of a calculation to be applied e.g. 'norm', 'all_euler' or 'IPF_x'. kwargs All arguments are passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create`. Returns ------- defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot containing map. """ self._validate_map(map_name) comp = self._validate_component(map_name, component) # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} # should load default plotting params plot_params.update(, 'plot_params', {})) # Add extra info to label clabel = plot_params.get('clabel') if clabel is not None: # tensor component if isinstance(comp, tuple): comp_fmt = ' (' + '{}' * len(comp) + ')' clabel += comp_fmt.format(*(i+1 for i in comp)) elif isinstance(comp, str): clabel += f' ({comp.replace("_", " ")})' # unit unit =, 'unit') if unit is not None and unit != '': clabel += f' ({unit})' plot_params['clabel'] = clabel if self.scale is not None: binning =, 'binning', 1) plot_params['scale'] = self.scale / binning plot_params.update(kwargs) map_data = self._extract_component([map_name], comp) return MapPlot.create(self, map_data, **plot_params)
[docs] def calc_grain_average(self, map_data, grain_ids=-1): """Calculate grain average of any DIC map data. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data to grain average. This must be cropped! grain_ids : list, optional grain_ids to perform operation on, set to -1 for all grains. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the grain average values. """ if type(grain_ids) is int and grain_ids == -1: grain_ids = range(len(self)) grain_average_data = np.zeros(len(grain_ids)) for i, grainId in enumerate(grain_ids): grain = self[grainId] grainData = grain.grain_data(map_data) grain_average_data[i] = grainData.mean() return grain_average_data
[docs] def grain_data_to_map(self, name): map_data = np.zeros(self[0].data[name].shape[:-1] + self.shape) for grain in self: for i, point in enumerate( map_data[..., point[1], point[0]] =[name][..., i] return map_data
[docs] def grain_data_to_map_data(self, grain_data, grain_ids=-1, bg=0): """Create a map array with each grain filled with the given values. Parameters ---------- grain_data : list or numpy.ndarray Grain values. This can be a single value per grain or RGB values. grain_ids : list of int or int, optional IDs of grains to plot for. Use -1 for all grains in the map. bg : int or real, optional Value to fill the background with. Returns ------- grain_map: numpy.ndarray Array filled with grain data values """ if type(grain_ids) is int: if grain_ids == -1: grain_ids = range(len(self)) else: grain_ids = [grain_ids] grain_data = np.array(grain_data) if grain_data.shape[0] != len(grain_ids): raise ValueError("The length of supplied grain data does not" "match the number of grains.") if len(grain_data.shape) == 1: mapShape = [self.y_dim, self.x_dim] elif len(grain_data.shape) == 2 and grain_data.shape[1] == 3: mapShape = [self.y_dim, self.x_dim, 3] else: raise ValueError("The grain data supplied must be either a" "single value or RGB values per grain.") grain_map = np.full(mapShape, bg, dtype=grain_data.dtype) for grainId, grain_value in zip(grain_ids, grain_data): for point in self[grainId].data.point: grain_map[point[1], point[0]] = grain_value return grain_map
[docs] def plot_grain_data_map( self, map_data=None, grain_data=None, grain_ids=-1, bg=0, **kwargs ): """Plot a grain map with grains coloured by given data. The data can be provided as a list of values per grain or as a map which a grain average will be applied. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray, optional Array of map data. This must be cropped! Either mapData or grain_data must be supplied. grain_data : list or np.array, optional Grain values. This an be a single value per grain or RGB values. You must supply either mapData or grain_data. grain_ids: list of int or int, optional IDs of grains to plot for. Use -1 for all grains in the map. bg: int or real, optional Value to fill the background with. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.MapPlot.create` Returns ------- plot: defdap.plotting.MapPlot Plot object created """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} plot_params.update(kwargs) if grain_data is None: if map_data is None: raise ValueError("Either 'mapData' or 'grain_data' must " "be supplied.") else: grain_data = self.calc_grain_average(map_data, grain_ids=grain_ids) grain_map = self.grain_data_to_map_data(grain_data, grain_ids=grain_ids, bg=bg) plot = MapPlot.create(self, grain_map, **plot_params) return plot
[docs] def plot_grain_data_ipf( self, direction, map_data=None, grain_data=None, grain_ids=-1, **kwargs ): """ Plot IPF of grain reference (average) orientations with points coloured by grain average values from map data. Parameters ---------- direction : numpy.ndarray Vector of reference direction for the IPF. map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data. This must be cropped! Either mapData or grain_data must be supplied. grain_data : list or np.array, optional Grain values. This an be a single value per grain or RGB values. You must supply either mapData or grain_data. grain_ids: list of int or int, optional IDs of grains to plot for. Use -1 for all grains in the map. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.quat.Quat.plot_ipf` """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} plot_params.update(kwargs) if grain_data is None: if map_data is None: raise ValueError("Either 'mapData' or 'grain_data' must " "be supplied.") else: grain_data = self.calc_grain_average(map_data, grain_ids=grain_ids) if type(grain_ids) is int and grain_ids == -1: grain_ids = range(len(self)) if len(grain_data) != len(grain_ids): raise Exception("Must be 1 value for each grain in grain_data.") grain_ori = np.empty(len(grain_ids), dtype=Quat) for i, grainId in enumerate(grain_ids): grain = self[grainId] grain_ori[i] = grain.ref_ori plot = Quat.plot_ipf(grain_ori, direction, self.crystal_sym, c=grain_data, **plot_params) return plot
[docs]class Grain(ABC): """ Base class for a grain. Attributes ---------- grain_id : int owner_map : defdap.base.Map """ def __init__(self, grain_id, owner_map, group_id): = Datastore(group_id=group_id), self.grain_data, in_props={ 'type': 'map' }, out_props={ 'type': 'list' } ) 'point', [], unit='', type='list', order=1 ) # list of coords stored as tuples (x, y). These are coords in a # cropped image if crop exists. self.grain_id = grain_id self.owner_map = owner_map def __len__(self): return len( def __str__(self): return f"Grain(ID={self.grain_id})" @property def extreme_coords(self): """Coordinates of the bounding box for a grain. Returns ------- int, int, int, int minimum x, minimum y, maximum x, maximum y. """ return *, *
[docs] def centre_coords(self, centre_type="box", grain_coords=True): """ Calculates the centre of the grain, either as the centre of the bounding box or the grains centre of mass. Parameters ---------- centre_type : str, optional, {'box', 'com'} Set how to calculate the centre. Either 'box' for centre of bounding box or 'com' for centre of mass. Default is 'box'. grain_coords : bool, optional If set True the centre is returned in the grain coordinates otherwise in the map coordinates. Defaults is grain. Returns ------- int, int Coordinates of centre of grain. """ x0, y0, xmax, ymax = self.extreme_coords if centre_type == "box": x_centre = round((xmax + x0) / 2) y_centre = round((ymax + y0) / 2) elif centre_type == "com": x_centre, y_centre = else: raise ValueError("centreType must be box or com") if grain_coords: x_centre -= x0 y_centre -= y0 return int(x_centre), int(y_centre)
[docs] def grain_outline(self, bg=np.nan, fg=0): """Generate an array of the grain outline. Parameters ---------- bg : int Value for points not within grain. fg : int Value for points within grain. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Bounding box for grain with :obj:`~numpy.nan` outside the grain and given number within. """ x0, y0, xmax, ymax = self.extreme_coords # initialise array with nans so area not in grain displays white outline = np.full((ymax - y0 + 1, xmax - x0 + 1), bg, dtype=int) for coord in outline[coord[1] - y0, coord[0] - x0] = fg return outline
[docs] def plot_outline(self, ax=None, plot_scale_bar=False, **kwargs): """Plot the outline of the grain. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes axis to plot on, if not provided the current active axis is used. plot_scale_bar : bool plots the scale bar on the grain if true. kwargs : dict keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.GrainPlot.add_map` Returns ------- defdap.plotting.GrainPlot """ plot = plotting.GrainPlot(self, ax=ax) plot.addMap(self.grain_outline(), **kwargs) if plot_scale_bar: plot.add_scale_bar() return plot
[docs] def grain_data(self, map_data): """Extract this grains data from the given map data. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data. This must be cropped! Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing this grains values from the given map data. """ grain_data = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=map_data.dtype) for i, coord in enumerate( grain_data[i] = map_data[coord[1], coord[0]] return grain_data
[docs] def grain_map_data(self, map_data=None, grain_data=None, bg=np.nan): """Extract a single grain map from the given map data. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data. This must be cropped! Either this or 'grain_data' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. grain_data : numpy.ndarray Array of data at each point in the grain. Either this or 'mapData' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. bg : various, optional Value to fill the background with. Must be same dtype as input array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Grain map extracted from given data. """ if grain_data is None: if map_data is None: raise ValueError("Either 'mapData' or 'grain_data' must " "be supplied.") else: grain_data = self.grain_data(map_data) x0, y0, xmax, ymax = self.extreme_coords grain_map_data = np.full((ymax - y0 + 1, xmax - x0 + 1), bg, dtype=type(grain_data[0])) for coord, data in zip(, grain_data): grain_map_data[coord[1] - y0, coord[0] - x0] = data return grain_map_data
[docs] def grain_map_data_coarse(self, map_data=None, grain_data=None, kernel_size=2, bg=np.nan): """ Create a coarsened data map of this grain only from the given map data. Data is coarsened using a kernel at each pixel in the grain using only data in this grain. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data. This must be cropped! Either this or 'grain_data' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. grain_data : numpy.ndarray List of data at each point in the grain. Either this or 'mapData' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. kernel_size : int, optional Size of kernel as the number of pixels to dilate by i.e 1 gives a 3x3 kernel. bg : various, optional Value to fill the background with. Must be same dtype as input array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Map of this grains coarsened data. """ grain_map_data = self.grain_map_data(map_data=map_data, grain_data=grain_data) grain_map_data_coarse = np.full_like(grain_map_data, np.nan) for i, j in np.ndindex(grain_map_data.shape): if np.isnan(grain_map_data[i, j]): grain_map_data_coarse[i, j] = bg else: coarse_value = 0 if i - kernel_size >= 0: yLow = i - kernel_size else: yLow = 0 if i + kernel_size + 1 <= grain_map_data.shape[0]: yHigh = i + kernel_size + 1 else: yHigh = grain_map_data.shape[0] if j - kernel_size >= 0: x_low = j - kernel_size else: x_low = 0 if j + kernel_size + 1 <= grain_map_data.shape[1]: x_high = j + kernel_size + 1 else: x_high = grain_map_data.shape[1] num_points = 0 for k in range(yLow, yHigh): for l in range(x_low, x_high): if not np.isnan(grain_map_data[k, l]): coarse_value += grain_map_data[k, l] num_points += 1 if num_points > 0: grain_map_data_coarse[i, j] = coarse_value / num_points else: grain_map_data_coarse[i, j] = np.nan return grain_map_data_coarse
[docs] def plot_grain_data(self, map_data=None, grain_data=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a map of this grain from the given map data. Parameters ---------- map_data : numpy.ndarray Array of map data. This must be cropped! Either this or 'grain_data' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. grain_data : numpy.ndarray List of data at each point in the grain. Either this or 'mapData' must be supplied and 'grain_data' takes precedence. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :func:`defdap.plotting.GrainPlot.create` """ # Set default plot parameters then update with any input plot_params = {} plot_params.update(kwargs) grain_map_data = self.grain_map_data(map_data=map_data, grain_data=grain_data) plot = GrainPlot.create(self, grain_map_data, **plot_params) return plot